
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( AMAZING )))

Whoa that was really well done how you made this animation, i liked all the effort you put into it its amazing, and the sound is just great, and well though out, i like the story, and how interesting it all was...

Making work would be cool...


((( COOL )))

Hmm well im not a big FF person, but this was pretty cool to watch, and you seem to have put a lot of effort into it. Good use of a menu, and its nice you can skip some of the intros. The graphics, and drawings you made to animate are really nice, and i like how detailed everything in this is...

Great job...


((( GOOD )))

This is a really good way to look at what the world would be without water, and how crazy everyone would act. The animation is good, and i like how you used the sound to go with your point, and how you used text in this too. The whole think makes you think, and thats good...


((( DECENT )))

Hmm well there was not much to this, it was ok, and the animation was nice, but i didnt really get most of the point, but it was still nice to watch. The animations backgrounds could have used more detail, and shading but it was ok. You put effort into this which is good...


((( GREAT )))

Wow the art, and detail you have here is amazing, and well drawn. The effort, and dark story you have here is really nice, i like the dark stuff, and how you put this together is very cool. The sound is sweet, and make it creepy going with something like this, but that is good...

Good job...


((( HEH )))

Its funny, but it starts to get confusing at points, but that was the whole point of the joke heh, i think the animation is pretty good, but it would have been more cool if they did more the sit around. The sound was decent, but a bit low, i did like it, and its a good effort...


((( GOOD )))

This is really great animation, but there is no sound. Sound would make this a lot better, but its excellent so far. You should have gotten a higher score, but the sound kinda hurt your score, i like the effort, and detail you have put into this. The story is cute, and really good to watch...


((( NICE )))

Whoa did TBS really edit that much out of dumb and dumber? that is just not good, i like how you have made fun of this television program, and how much censorship is not funny at all. The animation was good, and so were the drawings you made, i liked that backgrounds a lot too, and the effort you put into this...


LordLothlorien responds:

Thank you. That's one thing I like about Newgrounds. Censorship is almost non-existent and the animations that stay on the site are chosen democratically. Sucks to TBS!

((( AWESOME )))

That is a really awesome animation movie you have here, and there is not much for improvement because it was really enjoying to watch, and very detailed. Evertyhing about this is well done, and the story was very cool indeed...


Falconer02 responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked the story. I'm very surprised people don't like the story too much....because honestly there isn't really much of a huge story going on here and I think people aren't seeing that. It's just a little robot protecting a city with what he has on that building!

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