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((( HAHA )))

Well its not the best idea, but it is ok, i liked the way you choose to solve so many problem at once with your idea, and the way you animated it was really nice, and made you get a good idea of how effective your idea is. The music goes nice with this, and made it more entertaining, i liked the drawings, and animations the most...


((( GOOD )))

This was kinda sad to watch, but it does have a sweet message to it, and it was put together in a very nice way, i like how the message in this it makes you think about things, and your memories work in life. Your art is really nice, and i like how you have animated this little movie to your message...


((( COOL )))

Interesting trailer, i liked the animations part that you have showns us so far, and the detail in it is amazing. The story that your showing a preview too seems interesting not much information on in, but seems good so far, i liked the music in this it was nice, i also liked the way you have rating at the start of this, and your logos looked really good...

Good job so far...


TumbleWeedPro responds:

Thank you, I'm glad to read someone liked my logos, and rateings I thought it would be kinda cool. Different if you must. But anyway thanks for the review.-TumbleWeedPro

((( ODD )))

Well there was not much of a story here, but it was nice to see a animation about this alien Mr. Horns, and the end was kinda sad for the green guy. The drawings were the best part of this animation, because you put really good effort into them...

Maybe next time you could work on your characters moveing more realistically, but it is a good animation so far...


((( ROFFL )))

Oh man this was a really great idea, i like the animations you have created. The story was good, i liked the part where the toilet tells the punger to be quiet hehe, and i liked the end a lot too. The story was a bit odd, and sick, but it was good sick humor, and i enjoyed watching this a lot...



First off nice prelaoder it was different i like the scribble loading bar and the guys marching forward...

Haha i didnt understand the audio but it was funny as hell, and it was very simple, yet very entertaining, it was like chalk on a blackboard, making a very funny, the music did help though, anyways very nice flash, keep it up...


Hey notbad stuff, i gave a 7 in style because the characters were awsome ,and the story line was great, just loved that castle aswell, the animation flowed very well, and kept me entertained, so nice work, cantt wait to see more...



Well this was neat, its somewhat interactive which alot of flash's are not, but it was neat seeing sticks again and the animation was decent with some randomness to them and all, could use some color here and there but overall its neat, and nice music choice....


((( VIOLENT...? )))

Violent huh? well i didnt see anything that violent it was a ball bouncing around with some nice backrounds, and smooth animating, could use some more audio for improving the flash, but it was cool, hope to see more soon...


((( OK )))

Well notbad, its cool, but needs alot more to pazazz the people, could have used some audio and some voice dialog would have been great, these clocks are different and odd from the original ones, it was somewhat funny though, so notbad, keep it up...


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