
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( COOL )))

Oh man that was interesting, i liked the characters they were cute, and silly. The animations were good, and i liked how you put everything together, and made an interesting movie. The music is good, and make it more funny at the end, i liked the end the most, because he just sits there eating a sandwhich after he shoot that guy that is funny...


((( HAHA )))

This was really funny how you made this, i liked how it was all happy, and ment to be chessy so that the end would be very funny, and the end was funny indeed. The animation is smooth, and well detailed. The music was nice, but the scream sound was a bit scratchy at the end, but it was still good to watch...

Good job...


((( HEH )))

The idea was funny, but you could have put more detail into this, but it was still pretty decent, i liked the way you named the thing IOD, and the phone number at the end was pretty funny, i liked the animations, and how you made this into a commercial was nice...


((( AMAZING )))

Wow your awesome with 3D animations, and creating good effects with a cube. The animation is really great, and you just cant take your eyes off it it looks so cool, and detailed, you put a lot of effort into this, and it really shows that...

Keep up the great work...


((( COOL )))

Awesome graphics, and great style, i loved the way you animated this, and the detail in it. The drawings are good, i like how you made this in a classic kind of setting, and how you made it seem like a T.V. show. The story is good, and i like how everything goes wrong, and how this character tries to cover it up is funny...

Good Job...


((( WEIRD )))

O.0 Umm, that was interesting, and different. The animations in the cartoons was good, and the weird parts were ok, i liked how the voices sound they made it a bit more funny. The story was ok a bit weird at times, but good. Your style was good, and it was interesting to watch...


((( ROFFL )))

Oh man that was a really funny animation you have put together, i loved the idea you had to make a flash about this, and how well you put it together. The animations are nice, and i liked how that guy looked with the ice on his crotch that looked really funny hehe, and the news lady was done really well too...


((( COOL IDEA )))

Nice job, i like how you put all these super heros together for once big animation, and you did a great job on animating the sprites in this. The backgrounds look good, and the fight scenes looked good too, i liked the story in this it is entertaining, and i hope to see the rest of this animation soon...


sweet-kat22 responds:

I sure see you around often :P
Anyway thanks again for another good review.

((( DECENT )))

Umm this needs some work, it is an ok animation, but maybe next time you could add more to it, and add some text, and maybe more of a story. The sprites are well done, and i like how you have animated them to fight. The music is ok, and goes well with the fighting, its a good job so far, and i liked it...


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