Heh, ill admit the voices are iffy but these do give me a few chuckles could be the simpleness of them all, at first i thaught this was just a double submitted one but it was different, anyways funny stuff guys...
Heh, ill admit the voices are iffy but these do give me a few chuckles could be the simpleness of them all, at first i thaught this was just a double submitted one but it was different, anyways funny stuff guys...
Sigh the preloader was making me dizzy heh, anyways onto the flash, very flashy which was alo anoying me, abit odd and strange, it almost seems like a copycat of CoffeeClock hmmm, well it was ok abit random with the pics and all...
Haha, i like the intro because it was funny with the fonts used to match the fil, and the characters are well done with lots of detail, mainly the santa haha, this flash made me laugh lots of funny characters but welldone, kinda short, anyways it was decent work, keep it up...
Great characters, and nice flow of animation, allthough there could have been more animating like more animation of limbs, heh, and the ending was abit un-expected with wack and blackness haha, very short flash though, oh well notbad, and funny backround music...
((( FUNNY )))
Haha This was funny, and great audio, and colorfull, at some moments, sorta short but funny and the audio, the animation was cool and smooth it all flowed well together, keep up the decent work...
((( COOL )))
Haha they blammed Bushes work, i liked how you made a funny little story about blams, and how you involved Bush in the story. The animation was nice you have good drawing skills, and your good at animating, it was cool that you added a dress up game on the end of this animation, i enjoyed watching it very much...
((( COOL )))
Haha that was a great style you have here in your animation, the detail in it was excellent, and i like how you made it look like something from the 60s. The commercial you have created is really nice, and i like the idea behind it, i also like at the end where he calls him a fairy was a bit funny i laughed a bit at that...
Keep up the good work...
((( GREAT )))
This was great, i liked how in the end he did it all to get to that girl that was cute how it ended, i also liked those ghost things in the sky they looked cool. The animations are really nice, and you have a great style. The music went good with this, but it was a bit srcathy at times. maybe you could fix the sound for next time, but it still was a really great animation...
I have had a lot of complaints about sound quality. Trust me when i say i've spent long hours trying to figure it out and it won't be that way in the next movie. Thanks for the review!
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