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((( GOOD )))

Well this is an original idea you have, i like the way you animated your action in this, and that bird was drawn pretty good. The animations are nice, and i like how you made this look like how a real soccer game would. The sound is ok, and made this more entertaing. This was a bit short, but i hope to see more soon...


Renegade-Hamster responds:

Thanks, and thanks for the review.

((( DECENT )))

Hmm this was an interesting animation, i like the way you made this like a real dream, and the backgrounds looked really neat, but sometimes the backgrounds were plain, and maybe next time you could add more to them, but it still looked nice. The story is a bit twisted, but good, i like the way you put this togther, but the animations did not have much movement, but it still was nice to watch...


((( COOL )))

This was pretty cool, i like the way you have animated your robot sprites, and how well you used your buttons, and made it interactive. The story is a bit short, but interesting. The animations are good, i like the way you have set up the text boxes where they talk, and how you used different colors for each character that was cool, you are good with sprite animation, so keep up the good work...


RicPendragon responds:


((( ROFFL )))

Well you have some good animations here, i like the way this guy is crazy for cheesecakes, and how the song went well with the actions of the animation. The music was nice, and the song was funny. The style you have here was cool, and i liked your characters...

Maybe next time you could add more color to the characters, and backgrounds, but it was still done nicely, and it was cool...


((( ODD )))

Well your style, and animations are very nice. The music was not my thing, i like the way you have animated some of the parts where the sausage would spin around, but there was not much animation other then that, maybe next time you could have more movement out of the characters, and more of a story, but your doing good so far...


Cosbynaut responds:

Thanks man. Yeah, this was only supposed to be the intro of the flash really but I had to ditch it seeing as the frame rate went to shit with all those lines moving about. It's most obvious when the sausage is flying into the guy's mouths. It just doesn't look good. I may make the complete story later on but in that case I'll have to redo the whole thing with a different style and I sort of wanted it to look like this. I think it'll lose most of its' charm if I just use ordinary drawings you know.

((( WOW )))

Wow this is a really nice tribute you have made here, i like the way you have made it very serious, and how much good effort you put into this. The animations are good, and have nice detail, your music goes well with this, and makes you feel for the lost lives. This was done very, but it was a bit short, maybe next time you could make it a bit longer, but it was still good though...


badboy-beaver responds:

Thanks man, thanks alot. I appreciate the feedback.

((( AWESOME )))

Haha, that was really funny at times, i liked how you had some nice humor it this, and how you had your character kill their homework. The animation was nice, and really detail well. The music went good with this, and the voices sounded really nice. The story was good, and violent at times, but that is ok, it was good...


((( OK )))

Hmm this was a good idea, i like the way you have done your animations by using toys, and pasting pictures on their faces was cool, i also like the history lesson this had too heh, your style is ok, but maybe next time you could animated more things in this, and make it a bit longer, but its a good job so far...


((( GOOD )))

Well this was good, and i like the way you had a an original character for your Star Wars like cartoon, i also liked the things you did with the lightsaber, and how well you animated the battle scenes. The animations were good, but maybe next time you could add more to your backgrounds, and more sound effects, but it was still really good to watch...


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