
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( WHOA )))

Whoa this is some awesome art, animations, and effects, i like the story, and how well your menu looked. The animations are well done, and you have awesome special effects in here, i also like how you have created your characters, and all the effort you have put into them, and this. The effort in here really shows, and i enjoyed it very much indeed...

Keep up the good work...


((( NEAT )))

Well it is an ok animation so far, i like the style you have, and how you put some nice effort into this. The animations are good, and your style is neat. The music is nice, but maybe next time you could add some voices into this animation to make it more entertaining, but it was still really nice to watch...


((( IT WAS OK )))

Well its ok, i like the way you got all these purple things, and how you put this together is really nice, i also like the song a lot its kind of funny to listen to heh. The animations are nice, but maybe next time you could draw your own, and not use so many pictures, but its still nice how you put it togther like that, and it was a nice animation...


((( NICE )))

This is an interesting animation, the way you animated your clocks was nice, and the chase scene was good too. The animations were clear, and smooth which was really good. The music was really nice, and went good with this. The end was the best, and the humor in this was good too...


HydraulicCat responds:


((( COOL )))

Nice graphics, i like the style you have here, and the detail you have put into this is really nice, you can tell you put a lot of good effort into this animation. The hitman seems like an interesting person, and i like the way you animation the violence that he causes. The music goes well here, and i hope you make more soon...


Nairo responds:

Thank you

((( GOOD )))

Wow this is an interesting look into the effects of alchohal, i like the way you have animated the violence in this to make your point, and the way you have done this to the music was really good too. The music went well with the animation, and the violence. The animations are nice, and i enjoyed watching this very much indeed...


((( HEH )))

Interesting idea, you have some nice sprites in this, i like the way you have animated your sprites very well, and how nice everything looks. The animations are good, and you made the sprites move well for the battle scene, and for the story. The story is nice, and i like the humor in this animation a lot...


Vinstigator responds:

Thanks X

((( GREAT )))

Wow you have some really nice art here, i like the way you draw in that anime style, and how detailed everything was. The end was a bit funny made me chuckle a bit, and the intro was good too. This was a bit short, maybe next time you could make this longer, because you have some really nice animations, and drawing skills so seeing more of your work would be cool...


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Age 51, Male


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