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I liked it

yeah it was a pretty big file you should cut it down somewhat, but i like the idea you had with this one, the color, and such that was pretty interesting so props to you on that one, the animation was right on could be abit more {SMOOTHER} but for the mostpart i rather thought it was just fine, as for the voices that was notbad could be a little more clearer and sharper sounding at times, but again other then that this was an alright piece, and while the file was very large it was a good flash kinda short but still entertaining and very amusing, so once again nice job and i look forward to anything else you may have worked up for us, untill then good luck

I mentioned a few things were animation could be abit smoother and voices could be sharper aswell, file was really large maybe that could be looked into aswell.

A short yet amusing flash.


ToonCastleTV responds:

Well it was either normal quality at 5mb, or high quality at 15 mb, and i pursured the high quality in hopes of higher entertainment value. True animation could have been smoother, but animating in this style takes time so I took every shortcut I could that would leave me with a sufficable submission. This was a school project also, and I LITERALLY, finished this without 1 minute to spare... ^^ As for the voices it was due to the mic I used unfortunately =( I have a good quality one for future pieces. thanks buddy


ok so the one thing i noticed that could really be fixed up on this particular one would be the loading tie, it was abit slow in loading so maybe that could be something to clean up abit, i love the variaty in music change in this one and the others as of late this music choice seems to fit this one, now again this was ok, but seems like still lacking the more animation, and more props as i have mentioned manytimes among other things, other then that it was ok.

some animation with the props would be one improvmenty new scenes more characters and just more of a story to it.

Episode 201 with pokemon and hitler


Amusing again

ok so here we have 21 notbad and still early on in the series, im thinking the menu page could use a facelift, not sure if you update these anymore but i could see the menu page maybe with a larger picture of hitler, maybe a more related image on the menu page aswell just somethng more related to the tpoic of flash, anyways the flash is basicly the same as the others have been and as i have mentioned manytimes before more animation, scenes, new characters and so on is needed and is a helpful tip on making these better, but more props for sure as these have just a couple the color is noce as is the backround scenes just needs more changes for better improvment, anyways nice episode here once again

the menu page could use a more updated pic of the related flash and even a larger image of hitler, even puttng the pokemon head on the frontpage would be another nice time,

needs those basic changes, but other then that its another amusing scene of hitler and pokemon



Hmmm well this one was interesting the {VOICe} was ok but would have been better with some {SUBTITLES} the art could have been a little bit better to like with the character with the stop sign you should give these characters more character personalities more formations and not just like stick figures, some little more effort and time with the characters would help alot on these situations and generally making it better, also adding some improved {BACKROUNDS} would also help as the ones you had were just white backrounds, but other then that its an ok flash series and somewhat entertaining

A few changes could be made to make this abit better and more improved like a few things i said above like, backrounds, more improved looking art with characters and so on.

overall a good flash, entertaining and amusing


Its entertaining as always

Ok so here we are again with another adventure of hitlers, now dont get me wrong i really do like these and its been a pleasure seeing the differant places and scenes in them all, even the addition of pikemon are cute, but again wish you would add more stuff like more animated stuff, more props, and even more backround {SCENEs} just more overall differant stuff that will give it abit more {DEPTH} but really other then that it was alright, This one was kinda big with file but im assuming thats the song and music looping over and over something to fix up for next time, Now this one with {GRANBULL} was interesting and the music was abit differant after the theme song, kinda nifty actually, I like how you changes hitlers face in this one, anyways nice job as normal

As said, needs more changes of scenes, more props, and even more character but especially some animated changes

Pokemon plus hitler = fun


Funny and creative, its fantastic

ok so first off the flash was pretty good, but i must say that the {SIZE} was pretty large, that could be something you can work on i thought it was just too large, but again great flash, The ending was pretty good i thought and this flash was very {FUNNY} so i do like that you gave it some nice animation good scenes and great humor to all smooth along very well, but again the {LOADING} time took forever, What i really like was the music on the menu page nice job there, The {ART} was differant but still good, very creative in some of the screen shots and such, and ouch on the torture of them lol, but wow the little guy was not so little great idea there and very creative lol, so the ending of this flash was brilliant i really loved it, very welldone indeed, a fantastic flash.

So i thought this was just perfect and didnt really need anything except some file reduction.

a great animation with funny humor nice art and great ideas.


Cute and funny

Haha ok this was funny as hell, so im giving you props for the humor of this very amusing, and as for your first notbad, but i know what you mean i play poxnora and been waiting for this game to come back online, but anyways great flash funny with the cheesy white screen and text, the {SOUNDs} were great and just added to the funnyness of it all, the animation was pretty good, it was a cute animation with some good effort, and the {VOICES} were not bad abit hard to understand at times but still amusing, only thing for that i would suggest some {SUBTITLES} but other then that it was pretty amusing and gave me a few chuckles especially the porn scene haha, anyways nice job once again, now all we can do is wait and see if soe comes back up soon,

This was a cute flash could use some subtitles, other then that it was pretty nifty

Based on the SOE game company going down for 1-2 weeks when hackers hacked into it, still funny though


Entertaining and amusing

lol this is pretty funny, it reminds me of a few people on facebook and all they do is update stuff with pictures and stuff lol, it tends to get anoying i suppose, as for your little flash work here seems like you put some good {EFFORT} into this with lots of people and to look like facebook alot with a very good likeness, and i like how you made it funny with the {TEXT-BUBBLES} and such, very good humor in that area of things, i enjoyed it and was not expecting it but still very entertaining, so nice job there, i was pleased to see this and glad to see the effort come across, anyways untill next time good luck.

I would make it more {INTERACTIVE} more stuff to mess with and click on here and there would be a great choice.

Funny and amusing of them pesky facebook updaters lol funny stuff.


Dosensuppen responds:

Glad you {LIKED IT} and thanks for your {ADVICE}.

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