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((( DECENT )))

This is pretty decent, i like the way you did your violence, but it was a bit much but thats ok it was still good. The animations you have here are simple, but you can draw pretty good. There was really no story here it was just a small animation with a joke, but it was a little too short, maybe next time you could add more to this, and maybe more of a story, but its an ok job so far...


wraithdragon responds:

thanks for the compliment. An yes, you're right, there is no story behind this. Its short, its supposed to be funny, its a joke. =)
yeah, next time I will release something that has a story and a decent running length.

((( GOOD )))

Good idea, i like how you made this educational, and entertaining at the same time. The animations here are good, and simple, i like the way you have animated those little army sprites to be like soldiers. The music is good, and goes well with the theme here, and the sound effects go well together with the animation. The interactivity in here is good, and this animation help you learn a lot...


((( IT WAS OK )))

It was ok, i like how ok this is for your first clock animation, and how much good work was put into it. The animations are a bit simple, but the violence was really well done. The sound effects were nice, but it needed some background music, maybe next time you could add some background music, and make this long, but nice job for the your first clock movie...


HydraulicCat responds:


((( HEH )))

Well it was a bit funny, i like how you have God eating chocolate, and the effects in this were pretty good. There is not much of a story, but it does shows you about this lock, and his powers which was ok. The music was really clear, and you used it in the animations at good points, and the voices were pretty decent too. The end was interesting, and it the animations were cool...


PlexityMusic responds:

Thank you, you make good reviews!

((( GOOD JOB )))

Good job, this is pretty good for your first proper flash, i like how much detail is in this, and your effort really shows. The ending was sad, but it was a really good animation with lots of good emotion to it. The music was really clear, and with great with this. The animations were awesome, and you have some good drawing skills...

Keep up the good work...


immortaltechnique responds:

hey bro thanks for that review .. i did try a fair bit for this and its good to see people acknowledge that
take care

((( ROFFL )))

Haha this is a funny animation, i like how Tom flips out over any water getting on him, and overreacts to it all. The animations were good, and everything moved smoothly. The sound was ok, but Toms voice was a bit scratchy it still sounded good though. The parady here is really funny, and this was great to watch...



Cool story, i like the way you have drawn, and animated your characters in this story. The story is very interesting so far, and i like how you have set things up in it. The characters are also interesting, and they were drawn well. The music is ok, but the background music was hard to hear at times, but it was still good, and had some nice voices, i hope to see more of these soon...


((( AWESOME )))

You are really good at drawing, and animating, i like how you have a really nice style in this, and how much detail everything has is awesome. The music is good, and goes well in the animation. The animations are smooth, and you can tell you put so much effort into this, because it looks really cool, i liked the ending the most...

Keep up the good work...


((( NEAT )))

This was a really nice poem, i like how heartfelt it was, and the detail in this is nice. The animations are simple, and not much happening, but it was still nice to watch, and a good poem to read...

Maybe next time you could add some more animations in here, but its a good job so far...


((( GREAT )))

Well this is a good animation, and better the the last one you had made, i like the humor in this a lot, and how you had stick figure scenes at times. The animations were smooth, and you had a nice simple style. The sound was good, and you had some nice voices for this, it was good to watch...


Renegade-Hamster responds:


You are the biggest nerd in the universe to care about how many reviews you've written on this site. Seriously.

Those x's on either side of your name look REALLY cool. I wish I had x's, but unfortunately my father cannot afford them.

~X~ RECORDS: First user to reach 3k/4k/5k/6k/7k/8k/9k /10k/11k/12k/13k/14k 15k/16k/17k/18k/19k/20K/21K/22K/23k/24k/25k/26k Reviews. CURRENT #1 REVIEWER* Since 2002

Age 51, Male


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