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I been meaning to review this one for the longest time and glad i did get around to it, its pretty impressive, i really enjoyed this one alot so thanks for the great effort on this one, The whole idea of mortal kombat with the odd yet interesting {CHARACTERS} was interesting, i thought thats what made it more silly and entertaining well atleast for me, Now i thought it was kinda {SHORT} so if you did make it linger and more characters that might put it over the edge for me, but other then it being short i thought this was a pretty nifty little toon, so nice job on the effort and i look forward to more of your silly toons, keep up the interesting flash works.

Make it longer with alot of the characters from mortal kombat

Entertaining mortal kombat parody



Hmmm wow this was differant, i do like the color and really good use of the color all around, always great to see cpolor used all around so nice job there, there was lots going on and eventhough it was kinda short it was still very entertaining and very amusing, i especially like you {LARGE} play buttons and all haha it was very pleasent and cute, would have been nice if it was longer and you shouwed more great and odd backround scenes but other then that it was, other then that i though it was a fantastic little colorfull flash.but anyways hope to see more interesting and unique flash like this in the comming future, untill then good luck.

Make it longer bringout the backrounds more, other then that it was pretty neat

A very colorfull and pleasent flash of rainbows and unicorns


Needs more effort

Now this one was differant but again the same whoever {KEVIN-RUDD} is ?? but regardless like alot of these the sizes seem to take awhile loading so maybe cut the {AUDIO} somewhat so its less loading time, just something to think about, in the next one, I thought since it was a differant character {NOT HITLER} you would have put up differant music, there was a slight animation like a quick second, but you shoould also think about adding some more animation throughout it all, have the poke ball flop around or something, just an idea though, so this does need more effort but i still found it entertaining, hope the next ones are somewhat with more animation and more to see, anyways nice effort.

Reduction of the music file would be nice, less loading time would be the result since its mainly the music that makes it a larger file. Needs some more animation like i suggested some animation with the pokeball

Another in the ranks of the hitler series


I liked it

Hmm well that was differant, it was very short but the {GRAPHICS} were very good even in Black and white, allthough you should add some {COLOR} maybe just abit here and there just a few focus points, of color, this film had a whole german feel to it though, i do like your characters and the music was very german sounding guess that was the idea, but really it was ok, so how can you improve on this one? well for one you can make this longer, more of a story, and more differant scenes then what you had, but again for what it was it was notbad, anyways good luck on anything new you got going on.

Could be longer and more other scenes and such more of a story to it

It was entertaining could be longer


Battosai810 responds:

I don't quite understand your {FORMATTING}, you can just use plain ol' English dude.

It was fully intentional for this to be black and white, and I didn't really want to have the rasterbated/Sin City sort of "black and white with one color" that's become so passe. The music was Russian, and the writing was French; I was going for a surrealist film idea. I'll admit there's really not much of a story here, it's just sort of strange for the sake of it. Glad you found it entertaining anyway.

Very entertaining

Ok so its my first time seeing one of these from the series i will catch up on the others later, but as for this one, The {PLAY-BUTTON} on the menu page could be brighter it was abit on the faint side, So first off great {VOICES} haha wow the dialog is crazy funny and you really put it out there, the main idea of this is about these characters i have not seen the others but i think you should keep the girlfriend in there makes for some good humor with a 3rd party there, haha, anyways great animation, you gave us some very funny {HUMOR} and the backrounds were very subtle but that was just perfect that way, i had alot of laughs with this one, so nice job indeed, keep up the funny series.

To start off with make the play button on the menu page more {VISSABLE} as it was very faint,

Funny humor, good idea, and great voices



haha great {VOICES} i thought it was way too {SHORT} though, the music at the end was really great though, the animation voices and humor was all great all had something great too offer and made me chuckle abit with the humor so i like the idea and cocept of what you were trying to do, so nice job on that aspect of stuff, but agin i thought it was just a tad short maybe as a tip you can make alot of these short adds and have them in one flash? its an idea, and would make your flash have abit more {DEPTH} then it does, but like i said i like the idea with the sorta interviews and such, it was entertaining and i got a blast out of this little flash, so keep up the good work.

As mentioned it was a tad short, you can make alot of these short adds and have them in one flash just an idea though

A very short yet entertaining flash.


Chimbley responds:

yeah it was a bit of a stretch submitting something so short, and I actually regret not holding on to this cartoon so that I could eventually do what you recommended. Thanks for the review man


I like the {CHARACTERS} in this one, very cartoony like on sat morning toons, the {VOICES} were very good aswell, the idea of the kid wanting to smoke crack lol haha, it was amusing, eww gets abit disturbing with the old man but i must say you did pretty good with bringing the humor to this and all, kinda disturbing there at the end but still must say i was entertained and amused and thats the idea here so nice job, i did however think it was kinda {SHORT} so maybe it could have abit more next time, i like all the advertising at the end screen hehe silly but kinda neat, anyways keep up the decent work and i look forward to seeing more of your stuff soon.

Onlything at all, would possibly make it a tad longer, maybe even adding multiple short flashes

Entertaining even in a disturbing way


BillyNapalm responds:

Thanks for the great review, glad you liked it! :D

Very amusing great idea here

Hey so while it was loading i like your menu page welldone with great chaaracters and funky text thats how it should be done anyways props to you on that part, and now for the film, great {VIEW-SHOTS} the animation along with the {MUSIC} really seemed to flow well right from the start, so nice job there, lol i love the whole {VOTING} type of feel you gave it, it was like a music video but very amusing indeed, especially at the end when he wakes up lol, anyways great stuff.

I think at the end you should show him looking at his legs and see if anything really happened at all lol

A good little toon well put together, nice job.


Great flash

ok so this starts off slow with the loading page, not an issue, i do like your loading page as its something and a good funny looking character if i say so myself, so notbad there, so as the movie gets started, the character has a sorta {FRAME BY FRAME} also like the touch of some subtitles, this was played very well with some real sound/fx. and voices, and it showed real emotion from the character it was like a real movie, i also loved the differant Camera shots, so very nice job there, you gave it some {HUMOR} as he was falling, and ouch at the end i love that you just fade to black very nice touch, and another nice touch was the ending {MUSIC} i believe that was from {CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASIM} show? anyways great flash it was very good right from the start, glad i saw it and reviewed it ill add this one as my faves.

So on this one as to improve, its already great as is, but maybe as he is falling have a cloud of images of what he was thinking like the parashooting and all, just an idea though.

A great movie well deserved award, and very well made with emotion and humor


Steinberg responds:

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you liked it that much and faved it! I put a lot of effort into it and appreciate your time into writing this great review. Yeah the song is from Curb Your Enthusiasm, I had it laying around my hard drive and noticed it would be a nice touch. Thanks again for the great review!

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