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So this was notbad at all seems like it was more for the ending points but still some nice animations and such, A fantastic visual of a flick here, I was pretty taken back with what you have presented here there was alot to see and some amazing visuals.


Fantastic fun stuff

Entertaining this might have been even better with some added subtitles, really nice entry here as they bring something different and wild cant go wrong with some fantastic fun stuff as they always make for some good flicks here and they are random at times but always a wild ride and thats what I have come to enjoy about these.


More fun stuff

Loved the robot one And this is some more fun stuff that you bring to the table these animations are a classic element that made ng's pretty fun and glad to be able to see them here on the portal so really nice entry here as they bring something different and wild.



I found this one to be pretty good some nice action scenes really good qualty character work and just a very nice effort of detail and the music was pretty top notch too, A fantastic visual of a flick here, I was pretty taken back with what you have presented here there was alot to see and some amazing visuals, I just hope to see more movie works like this from you soon but anyways untill then keep up the decent and unique work.



Like a music video here the action and animation was pretty intense, love the ship explosion scene What a wonderful find here in the portal I will just say this that this was not awful infact it was pretty decent it had some odd moments but had some decent moments aswell, But in the end it all made sense and made for an interesting animation here.



Well this was pretty good and I found it to be entertaining, The characters are good and the voice work was pretty amazing, I just hope to see more movie works like this from you soon but anyways untill then keep up the decent and unique work anyways keep up the good films.



Well its random and funny and some very wild animations and art elements here lol was pretty entertaining What a wild movie you have created for us here while I had a fun time reviewing this I still would like to say that it was a fun film, The music was right on too a fun expereince.


yixaline responds:

How dare you not rate 5 stars?!?

Piconjo responds:

h0w daer j00 n0t raet 69 starz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???!?!!


Well this was a cute little animation some nice characters love the lazer beam lol you did an awsome job on this entry you didn't try to make it too fancy or anything, just portray it as how it's supposed to be and thats what makes any movie great so good job, wish it was somewhat longer.



I love how pleasent this film is the falling snow the singing it was all very nice and pleasent, good quality of animation wish this was a tad longer maybe even some added scenes, Now this was a nifty little flick here glad I found this one, You came to produce A film of interest I like your style I did find some enjoyment in this, you have to keep the momentum going I must say this was pretty good and I found it to be an entertaining one so keep that up and keep up the amaing work.


Love it

I really love the visuals on this deep nice colors just wish it was longer and more scenes to see, It is always nice finding a great subission like this one now its stuff like this that I really take a like too it has all the elements and has just some unique sense about them, I did ad this one into my faves list for the reasons of above and beyond but it was a beautiful movie and enjoyed it that much that I wanted to add it in my faves, anyways really nice film.


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