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Nice flick

Well as always you do some good animations voice work is decent but I do think adding in some subtitles would ad on a nice feature here, As soon as this started it was something unique and differant ofcourse but thats more on the plus side of things, But you have a nice animation it even jumps into like a music video so nice work indeed.


Very nice

Very nice film some good scenes some nice voice work too, I especially want to comment on the rain effect you have in here its really good and realistic, Glad I found this fun lil gem in the portal here So nice job here I am excitedly reviewing this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon, I liked it from the start you really bring some talent to the front of the table good effort here and I found some parts even better then others, But anyways really nice film here great work.


jnpmediaart responds:

Thank you. This is just the trailer. The full 7 minute short film is currently in its last week of production and will be uploaded in the near future.


It was short and sweet but some nice tidbits of animation in there would love to see this character even more animated with some color and full scenes, You cant go wrong with a submission like this one this was nice work and just has some nice visuals.


Cute film

This was a cute film nice dancing scenes and the tomato scene was nice too, I say this has some good heart flavor about it and really has some nice details a fun film indeed here, Subtitles are never needed, but its always nice to have some its the extra feature that makes it nice to have and makes the flash a bit better aswell, so try adding some subtitles, But besides all that this was pretty cute.



First of all I love the unique characters and details within the facial expressions the scenes were funny and it was just very random and unique with the story element but love these characters, This was a great opportunity for me to review this you set a standard and I did enjoy what you have here now, There are some areas that was cleverly done this gave off a really stylistic tone to it so nice work on this one anyways nice flick you created here.


Cool vibe

Wish this was longer maybe even some added subtitles the color is awsome the sound and music was fantastic and some nice character work here, Now this was a fun find of a film, This was pretty advanced if you ask me, There was some enjoyment from this It was actually a refreshing submission, hope to find more just like it I encourage you to keep making stuff like this any additional detail would be great and now the end is near in my review, Maybe a tad longer next time.


Very nice

I love all the quality in this and the vibrant glow and effects great character work too and the whole holiday theme here, A really nice flick find, There's tons of nifty things going on in this one and thats what makes it nifty, You have brought your A-Game with this movie and it shows this is one of the coolest movie works I have seen on here in a good while



As always this was pretty good and found it to be pretty entertaining love the voice work and characters, ow this was a fun find of a film, This was pretty advanced if you ask me, There was some enjoyment from this It was actually a refreshing submission keep it up.



This was a very nice and beautiful piece here the music alone was nice and very fitting, the visuals of space and such was a very good detailed animation, You have brought your best with this movie and it shows this is one of the coolest movie works I have seen on here in a good while.


HeRetiK responds:

Oh wow, nice to see you're still around! :) Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your kind words!

Cool flick

This is a nice little flick here good character and entertaining could be longer and some added scenes and such, A really nice flick find, There's tons of nifty things going on in this one and thats what makes it nifty, But regardless a fun film and hope to see more from you.


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