
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Nice work

The narrative was pretty nice here love the simplistic art like characters and color but the narrative drives this pretty well, Very nice submission The sequence in how you started on this makes this really and pretty impressive a nice entry you have here, Nice flick good voice work.



This was pretty entertaining lots of things happening and some action too with some good backround music, it gets started right away and I like that in this submission, you bring on some impressive ideas here I have enjoyed this from the start and love the music too.



Well this was notbad a good little film here the animation was nice could be longer and have more scenes and even more color too, a wonderfully designed with a unique feel to it the material was just as unique, this was quick and to the point but a fun little film here so nice job.


ITZmarz responds:

Ay thanks! :D

Nice work

This was a team project and seems like some good effort all throughout, You really know how to make a splash on the portal especially with this fine entry you have created here, Lots of nice icons and artwork all throughout and the music was nice too a good little film here.



Now this was intense but so welldone love the facial emotions that just come alive and some powerful sounds behind it too, Very nice submission The sequence in how you started on this makes this really and pretty impressive a nice entry you have here it gets started right away and I like that in this submission, you bring on some impressive ideas here I have enjoyed this from the start so keep up the amazing animations.


Very nice

This was a really good film well animated some fun music and you gave it that old style toon element, What a wonderfully designed with a unique feel to it the material was just as unique, You really know how to make a splash on the portal especially with this fine entry you have created here, I love what you have created here and hope you make more movies like this, Anyways great home alone themed toon here.



Some nice and fun characters some entertaining fun on this one, great use of color too, This was a great opportunity for me to review this you set a standard and I did enjoy what you have here now, I found it unique and a fun bunch of characters in this one.



LOL you have some good humor about this film some nice and colorful scenes especially the KYLE on the laptop lol, There are some areas that was cleverly done this gave off a really stylistic tone to it so nice work on this one, very colorful and entertaining film here.


LOL Nice

Well must say that ending was really nice and a great comical element there, The artwork itself was fantastic and most of all the voice work was amazing Glad I found this fun lil gem in the portal here So nice job here I am excitedly reviewing this and hope to review more of your work sometime soon anyways awsome animation.


Really unique

Some really unique happenings going on here, I love the unique design of the characters and a fun comical element of story here and most of all the deep color tones on the backrounds, I liked it from the start you really bring some talent to the front of the table good effort here and I found some parts even better then other.


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