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Haha well it was shorter this time, and more voices from the other characters thats only a good thing, it was funny with what the one guy was saying, and while we couldnt see exactly what was going on it was interesting, but could have been longer and more animating, your toons are good, but they lack animating into other areas like more scenes, and different situations...


((( HAHA )))

I take it you dont like the guy hehe, it was random, and did lack in backrounds and more original ideas, but it was funny for what it was, atleast there was some animating, some of the stuff he did was abit disturbing, anyways maybe something more thought out next time...


((( HAHA )))

Well notbad, this was one of the better lock flash's as it had a somewhat story, and good looking locks with a fresh fell about them, the voices were ok but you know how that is, it could have been longer for more story, anyways notbad...


((( WELL )))

Well it was short and looped, no backrounds and lacked in detail for the characters, for the looping you should ad a "STOP ACTION CODE" and correct "PLAY" and "RE-PLAY" buttons, and add some color and backrounds, and define your characters more, with some more emotion and anumating, also a story like line would be more impressive...


((( HAHA EVIL )))

Haha ok that was abit evil, anyways the always having to hit "BUTON" seemed to get abit anoying maybe if you had the cursor to just hit it when the viewer chosses to, and the character the girl in blue she was well drawn but not much detail, while the pink thing was animated better but looked badly drawn hmmm interesting anyways it was a fun game while i was nored...


((( CUTE )))

Well notbad, its somewhat different then other types of flashs, the text box's stay up to long though, infact this could have been better with some voice-overs, the characters were ok kiinda neat sorta reminded me of sprites but overall it was a decent flash, so nice work hope to see more soon...


((( HAHA )))

This was funny and cute, i would have liked to see more work of the character he was behind that chair the whole time, it was sorta funny with the e-mails and stuff, hope there is more content in the next one, and maybe some improved voices aswelll


Amenos42 responds:

Thank you. Once I get some time, I'll probably remake this one...

((( LOL )))

Well that was random, funny yes but just random, it would have been neat to see more characters fighting and less on the BIG jpeg heads that was somewhat bazarr anyways funny random flash...


Flashdavis responds:

dont worry i am making more and u will be able to chose the winner with different endings

((( CUTE )))

This was cute, and like the other one it had but just two options which is ok, but like i said in the other review more options would be neat, give the film more value, and more fun to see different types of deaths, its cool though i liked it...


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