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((( NOTBAD )))

Well notbad, im always saying something about size and all, and this flash is up there with a high file size, just something to work on for the users who use 56k, as for the flash notbad, could use abit more detail and some fresher look to it but its cool, i was impressed with some of the elements but still lacked in others, art was ok but could be improved, anyways good luck on your next one...


((( NEEDS MORE )))

Well notbad its ok for the most part could be improved with a lomger flash and maybe abit less violence and more story to it, but most of all it needs some lowering of the filesize, but overall its notbad work, so keep it up...



Hey this was good, abit confusing but thats only cause i need to check out the others and i will soon, but good flash funny good detail and depth of characters so notbad at all, hope to see the others soon...



Well notbad this was neat, kinda cool, i like how it was all in B&W but was very short and not much to it, i would like to see more and see this into a noir series, it was an ok start but needs more, the artwork was so-so, anyways good luck...


((( HAHA )))

Ok this was a neat idea with the different options, and the little activity it had was cool, the only thing i could see working on is the artwork and character aswell as some of the animation, and to improve on it, maybe add more options of more deaths just for a better overall flash, nice work though, it was a good idea...



It was funny and somewhat cute, the view screen was very clear and sharp, so props to you on the good camers, i noticed your hand in the shot at one point, the characters or cool and not some blobs, there could be better voicing though, overall it was entertaining...


BobtehLog responds:


((( HAHA )))

Ok this was funny as hell in a sorta sick way haha, no but really your best me thinks cause it is funny seeing that turtle just dangling haha, and i have to commend you on your voiceing making it a realistic character and sounding just like the out in the wild type haha, anyways nice work, really good voice-overs...


((( DECENT )))

This was cool with the decent artwork and all, but there really wasent much to it, it started off slow then just sorta ended, kinda strange, but for the most part it had nice artwork, and ok effects like the rain and stuff, better luck next time...


MauRovZ responds:

thank you very much... next time I'll do a better one with a little twist ;)

((( FREAKY )))

Whoaa this was abit freaky a sheep a damn sheep yikes, anyways i like how you have 2 options, you should make many more options so that there could be many endings, but for the most part it was funny in a sick sorta way...


((( OK )))

Well this was ok but lacked in a few areas, first off i would suggest not to use buttons in a movie like this, and to just let it rin freely, then you may want to add some sound/FX and maybe some music in the backround, then color and detals would be great, anyways hope my suggestions help...


liquidash responds:

wow. this might be the first constructive critisism review of this yet. There might be 2 or 3 others, buit I dont remember them.
Yeah, this is pretty awful. But back then this was passable work. Lets jsut say ive learned a lot.

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