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Wow that was really crazy but it was a crazy good, you had some nice blood effects and whatnot, really a good flash more like a trailer would be nice to see a full version and whatnot.

Full version going live would be a great improvement maybe some more effects along with the already great blood effects.


Good work here

First of all decent flash submission here, There was alot I liked about this flash, There could be more Focus on some other areas and could use more improvment on those areas, but you do have a good Concept and idea here, I was pleased with most of it but there are some areas that could use some more work. But anyways nice effort sofar. so here we have a good quality of work, nice story, great animation, and great view shots and cant forget awsome voice acting. A decent flash here, pretty interesting lots of nice little details here and there, could have some more extras and maybe some fixes here and there but overall this was pretty entertaining and amusing flash, but regardless keep up the great work. and if I have suggested any ideas try them as they will help indeed, on this decent flash works.

And so this kind of reminds me of a big concert of sorts and after the big event like this Flash could use some clean up and fine tunning, So as Advised on a few Proposed Changes here is what I came up with. To be honest you have created something really good here and at this time there is no need to change it with anymore improvements.



lol cute well this was amusing its a pretty good short flash here, and while it was short it was a good animation, everything was well done. I would love to see the "LOOP" changed anyways nice work here.

this Flash "LOOPS" now thats actually an easy fix, you can use a stop-action-code from the action - script and there are actually lots of easy to understand tutorials here on the site to view on how this is done if you dont know, but anyways the stop-action-code will stop the looping, but dont forget to add some "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons for the viewers to restart viwing the flash.


lol funny

Haha ok that was funny and pretty amusing and actually you caught me by suprise but you did well and the effects were pretty good, I can see this being longer with more of a story to it.

More story added, and making it a tad longer.



Well this was entertaining the "CHARACTERS" could be better designed but maybe that was your intent, all the little scenes and clips are cool and kind of funny.

More design on characters more detail.


KKING1 responds:

I made this years ago

This was pleasent

So as I watch this flash submission There are various Nifty little tings that I thought really stood out and made it much more enjoyble for all to see, especially me and as i write these words i find it even more interesting as the submission continues on, so good effort shown and I am really liking the Focus You put forward. This here was a very pleasent flash the black and white style was great and I like the soft touces of color here and there, and you really kicked it up a notch with the music from pleasent to some action, very nice job here. Ok so there was a lot of nifty things about this movie type, All throughout it ofcourse, some things could be cleaned up but dont let that stop you from your flash taking flight with new ideas.

So here we go with ways and ideas to improve, always the hardest part of the review for me as I dont want to nit pick on every detail but try for some of the basics, But there were a few spots thats could be cleaner and smoother. I like what you did with the small touches of color you should for sure ad much more of that, as it makes for a nice effect for the movie.


Hmmm interesting

Now I must say that the music was great here top notch all the way, took awhile to get to the actual movie but it was nice seeing "KRAMER" in there lol, a fun movie here with lots of characters made for some good humor.

add more celeberty types that always makes this even better.


Nice story

Some of the stuff we could see here looks pretty good, others where in need of some more effort There is some good Potential it all though, Some stuff cane have a Refined effort about it all though. This actually reminded me of the old "ESKIMO-BOB" stuff lol, Well I have to admit that this was actually cute and the "CHARACTERS" are smooth-lines the subtitles was a nice little touch here, and overall you had a cute little story so nice job all around. So I keep a phrase for a certain few and that is appetite for creativity and thats exactly what you have created with this flick right here.

So think about some of the ideas suggested in the review. I like this production, hope to see some improvments soon. go with ideas may they be good or average ideas maybe one or two will help and improve on things. This was not short by any means but I can see it being longer with more of the fun story you already have.


StupidlyEPIC responds:

This story is 100% true. RayG did give me a juicebox and I loved it. Then he had to hunt the biggest juice box of them all. But bigger doesn't always mean better.

This was notbad

you have raised the bar dramatically with everything that has been going on in this flash entry, There could be some better stuff and the way you did stuff better Utilised with the way it was presented, But honestly with all Criticisms a-side This was acually pretty decent and i had some good fun with this, so I was pleased with how this cameout. This was a decent flash and I like the concept of a spider and whatnot the other office people are funny and some of the jokes are pretty good aswell. Now this was something kind of different but thats actually what I have enjoyed about it, Now ofcourse its the ending now, But I can really see you building onto this As this was a decent piece of work, but anyways best of luck to you.

Its always good to be Prepared and while you dont need a Makeover on this flash but as a Bonus there could be some slight improvments, No this is not perfect, but what it does have is some good potential you do have a few things you can improve on, and all it takes is a few more ideas to run with, so here are a few. Maybe adding some more sound/fx with the action scenes, more music that changes up when in action scenes aswell.


danomano65 responds:

Thanks! It's been a long time since I worked on an Office Spider. The character ended up on the Newgrounds banner at San Diego Comic Con! I met Tom Fulp and attended SDCC. It was awesome. Since then I've been making my graphic novel series, which you can read at http://www.verdacomb.com and I also have a second graphic novel series here: http://www.tofuzilla.com! One day I may make a longer Office Spider that covers most of these ideas, except with better animation of course- and original music. I appreciate your review! You can also check out music for my comic here: https://soundcloud.com/entergalacticdj

UM ok lol

Lol well this was the shortest one to date I believe but it is amusing and while it was very short it still gave me some laughs and whatnot, some more content would have been nice though.

Needs to be a little longer you have something good here but could have more content.


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