So here is a good flash submission, but could use some extra effort of work, now I will go into some of those details later on improvments section, I thought this flash movie entry was kinda neat, and had some positive points and so on, Now dont get me wrong this is actually a good Discovery, Just need to Tweak some things here and there. While the film was not too long but it showed some good animating and I really like your use of color and randomstyle of art it in a away was artistic so nice style here. It's hard to offer a lot of critisism on this, And once again we have another decent flash, theres not alot I can say to improve on this but there are some things that could be cleaned up as menioned and below, but for the most of this its pretty good and I liked everything I saw here, Andlook forward to seeing more of this, so keep up the good work.
there is potential here, But keep at it and always improve on your ideas so hope some of these may help to make your idea much better. So lets get some of these ideas across the board. Could be longer, more strange and random characters would be a plus aswell.