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((( UM OK )))

Interesting for sure, but it loops you may want to fix that maybe adding a stop-action code, and propper play and replay buttons, it was funny but could be better if you put multple wazzup clips together in one flash making for one funny flash, but this one did give me a few laughs so notbad...


((( GOOD MUSIC )))

This was cool, really liked this the music really flowed well and with all the different sprites it was neat showing some comon ones and unique ones really, making for a fun flash and very smooth aswell, loved how it was random, anyways very good, keep it up...


((( COOL )))

Notbad, a short animation with some cute style and thoughtout story, good simple like characters but you brought them alive, backrounds are ok basic color tones, and as for the audio it was good and fit the characters as the animation glowed along, i could see this as a running series, anyways good job it was entertaining, so nice work...


((( AWSOME )))

Very awsome, and the start of it was very impressive, this kinda just ended i was really getting into it to, i hope you had plans on finishing this as it was very good and the story is very interesting keeps a viewer wanting more, very good set-up at the start and good artwork, anyways hope the next art job comes out just as good...


((( HAHA )))

Ok this was funny made me laugh from start to finish really good humor and not just moments but many different times, very funny and some was ok but it all rounded out to a great flash that made me enjoy it, so nice work indeed, maybe a smaller size next time but still good stuff...


((( NOTBAD )))

Notbad work mainly on the art and the likeness of the salad fingers stuff, im nore a fan of his work as its abit over rated, but as for the fans to vote low on yours was abit tough, but for this flash it was funny and has alot of effort more then most here at the grounds, so nice work and dont let the others get ya down, and always make flash...


Maverick0 responds:

Hehe, once I get out of work for a while, I plan on finishing a couple of projects i had abandoned a while ago. It's always nice to hear from someone who can see both sides of the coin too :p

((( FUNNY )))

This was good and i had a good time watching it infact i watched it twice it was very funny, and the art was very good, but most of all the humor was what i liked you really have something here i suggest make more i would love to see more, maybe downsize though it was starting to get up in filesize, anyways nice job indeed...



REally good detail, loved the backrounds, with good shading and detail, lots of props that made the backrounds really realistic, also nice touch with the music the silenting it at certain moments, it was good, seemed abit short but but very intense graphics, and great story, so nice work indeed, i look forward to more...


((( HAHA )))

I think i reviewed the otherone before this one, but thats ok i liked this one much better since the start with the dram and all haha very funny, and this one just seems to have lots of humor from start to finish so props to you on that, sorry for reviewing out of order but ill get to the others soon, anyways nice job....


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