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((( AWSOME )))

Wow i was very impressed with this, but didnt see why it ended so sudden when it was just getting good, well anyways great artwork and even in an almost 3d feel to it with different view sots, aswell as great color on the characters aswell as very impressive backrounds, the story keeps one very interested but ended, i hope you have made much more episodes as its very neat to watch, and cant wait for more....


((( NOTBAD )))

This was ok, but the sprites didnt seem all that sharp and clear looking, infact they were alittle fuzzy, this was an ok sprite action flick but lacked in original artwork bt the artist as real characters like art style would have made it more interesting rather then many overused sprites and also jpegs, there was lots of action and it also had some decent music, but just needs some style to it, anyways nice job...


((( LOL )))

OK now thats not what i was expecting but it did give me a chuckle or two haha, but why so short? it was the kid eating the dynomite then END haha, well if i may suggest maybe have, more story to it like leading up to it, the artwork was ok but seemed abit simple, anyways hope to see more efforted stuff in the future....


((( COOL )))

Heh it was funny, allthough i did think the text screens stayed up abit long, i read it and was waiting for more scenes, not sure if thats how old style films were but it was ok, as for the content funny characters, and funny happenings, also nice touch on making it a silent film feel, anyways good work hope to see more soon...


5SS-PsychoWiLL responds:

I realized they were long. I have a few silent films at home -- and damn! I was going to have 'what's-his-name'-- star as the Banana. Oh well. I'll remember it soon, I'm sure. Oh, and sorry you were waiting. I could've added buttons, but it would have ruined the feeling. -- LON CHANEY! -- That's right. Anyway, if I make a sequel, it will have music to keep you at the edge of your seat!!

((( CUTE )))

Hahaha ok this was funny, the simple like art of characters and effects could have been improved just little things help like shading gradients and much more, the narating wa sgood, and it was funny cause of what he was saying, but better detailed characters are needed, anyways funny flash keep it up...


((( HAHA )))

I was not sure at first what it was but it was great made me laugh mainly at the end and the voices was really good, like the granny haha, abit sick but still some good humor, and the art style like on the faces was unique and different, maybe add more backounds though as some areas were just blank, anyways good job...


((( HMMM OK )))

Ok this was odd, streaning gamecubes, yes thats alot, but what was the exact point of this, anyways it sorta made me dizzy with the red backround and the streaming video, also you should make the music play option more visible, it was ok just needed more of a point....


GamecueX responds:


((( NOTBAD )))

Haha ok notbad this was good, with the starting intro it was good, cause the part with toad and his own busness haha, very funny, and while im not into sprites this was still a decent flash with good funny storyline, so notbad at all, the sounds were cool and made the flash alot better, maybe some voice-overs though could work aswell...


StupedKid responds:

I thought the egg clicking might get repetetive. But who can you get too do a voice for Yoshis? I mean c'mon.

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