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((( OK )))

Well im not sure what to rate this, i mean a guy on the toilet, sorta funny, but abit sick at the same time, the character and artwork with backrounds was abit bland, i would suggest adding some detaul and more effort into your characters, and adding some more plot and storyline to your work, im sure it will be greatly improved with just the littlest of changes....


((( OK )))

This was ok, i have to admit the artwork on the characters was ok notbad at all, and like when they move there was a good sense of animation abit realistic, they all had like the same shirt which was funny, it was an ok flash but could be better on some of the jokes, and maybe some more effort on the voice-overs, but overall not a bad flash....


((( STRANGE )))

OK this was sorta strang dont see this on the portal everyday, but it was interesting and funny with some of the different stuff you showed, i was just glad the larg dl size was over and i could actualy see it, anyways neat stuff and even neater music, anyways it was ok....


((( GOOD STUFF )))

Hey this was cool, and the design and look of it was ok, i like this because it was sorta different and at the sametime informitive somewhat, it was neat and not so crazy like alot of avg flashworks, notbad on this, i hope to see more on this soon or something new in the future so keep up the good work....


((( FUNNY )))

OK this made me laugh, not all that much a fan of pube but it was funny the prank was good, maybe add more to it like a few more, but also the almost 2 megs is a bit much and for my 56k abit hard to handle, but anyways, it was good for a few laughs, so nice job....


((( NOTBAD )))

Well notbad i have never been one to much into the ff series but this was decent, and with the amount it looks like to get this done i was impressed, shows lots off stle and detail and abit of uniqueness to it, i would only suggest try and lower the filesize some, anyways notbad, hope to see more soon...


((( AWSOME )))

AWsome stuff, very impressed with the flash it self it was well balanced overall, it was graphics great aswell as audio awsome, fileseize well notbad but could be better, and i like your style with this really shows the effort and time put into it, so nice work overall, hope to see more of your work soon....


((( WOW )))

Wow again, very awsome work, this was cool i remember the other one and it was just as impressive, allthough the file size was abit much but at the same time still well worth it, good animating good story and very awsome graphics, so nice work indeed, i cant wait for moe....



Wow i was really impressed with this version, i have not always been to interested with these but this one stoodout, each one was unique to the authers talents and showed withing each clip, very good flash indeed, so props to all the artists involved, great animations....


((( NEEDS WORK )))

I was abit confused with this one, like it didnt seem like a dailytoons at all. on the matrix one was ok but you could put black behind there mouths when they talk so that it doesnt show the back white scree,. and the 2nd one wa sok abit repetitive, and why only 2 clips this time when you normaly have about 4, also there was no button back to the menu screen, well anyways this was not one of the better ones, but still entertaining....


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