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((( CUTE )))

Haha ok this was cute, but was very bland in content, it was funny with the sounds, and funny actions of the character and even the randomness, but i would say more content like maybe off in the distance stuff randomly happing and all, anyways it could make it for a more interesting doodle, funny short, hope to see more soon....


((( DECENT )))

This was decent, the white backround could use some color to it though, as for the fight it was cool some of the effects were ok but could have used more better elements such as more character fighting with lots of kicks and punching and so on, it was an ok flash fight, keep it up...



Haha that was perfect, the character alone was welldone and very cool, i was giina say to add backround but the story sorta points to that haha and that was very cool with the door, and the ending sigh haha, anyways great flash and great character, hope to see more soon....


((( AWSOME )))

Wow this was very good, and allthough it was just a traler it was really impressive, the artwork to the really cool animating, shows lots of effort and skill for the artist , would love to see more depth into a story point of view but i can see you have done very well here on this flash so nice job indeed, hope to see more soon, keep up the great work...



This was great, the humor alone gets my vote, it is one of those flashworks that keeps you interested, i even watched this one 2x it was just that funny and good, the filesize was somewhat bigger then i thought, but it was still an overall flash, not sure howmany others i seen in the series but ill be sure to check them out, anyways grat flash series...


((( COOL )))

Haha this was cool,, but sorta funny, could use some work like fine details, within the characters and backrounds, and you may also want to lower the filesize down just abit, it did make me laugh abit, you also may want to look into some better audio, it was ok but could be better...


((( HAHA GREAT )))

I just saw the intro, an now this very good indeed, the art style like on the characters is very unique and different which is cool, this episode doesnt have the same dark creepy feel as the intro but is funny as hell, maybe subtitles would be good just to get an idea of whats being said, anyways nice work indeed...


krew responds:

thnx dude, i'm working on the subtitles right fucking now :D they'll be ready soon...

((( HAHA )))

Haha ok this was funny, i really liked the artwwork like the characters well the one character anyways, showing good detail, and the voices seemed to fit the character, the ending with the dog head was funny and just one of those things that adds to the humor, anyways good funny flash, you should make more soon....


((( HEH )))

Ok ill admit that one made me laugh, but seemed like a long dl for just a short clip of animation, somewhat disturbbing but that was the humor of it, i would say make it longer with more funny moments, like maybe the guy sites with other people, or even drives the bus hehe, anyways nice job it was funny just abit short...


alienredwolf responds:

Yeah, i probably could have made the file size a tad smaller. It would be the sound making it bigger. Looks like I didn't 'optimize' it properly ay? Well, thaks fo' the review anyway...

That guy... Daniel Fowler.

((( NEAT )))

Foes seem like a comercial for mac mini or something,, it was appealing and with great audio really flowed well to the content, allthough could have used more images and animations of some sort but was still an ok ad, anyways keep up the ok work...


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