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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( LOVED IT )))

This was cool, very dark feel to it, and really good music that flowed with the theme and content matter, seemed somewhat short but was cool, if i can suggest anything, i would say work on more animating of the characters and maybe some voic-overs as that would great improve this already good flash, i loved it but could be better, so nice work....


((( NOTBAD )))

Notbad it was cool, and some really good music to flow along with all the stick action, sorta just ended shortly after the stick with the gun, so in my suggestion i would suggest making it longer, making your characters have abit of depth and not so stick like, but you may also want to add some more color like the backrounds, anyways nice job, short but funny...


((( SHORT )))

OK this got off to a good start, with the action and the sharp looking characters but then it just sorta eneded and i was like whaaa, well i hope you work more on this, but also give more depth to it like a plotline some convos to why the fight needs to takeplace, and try and change it to more then just the avg fight that 70% sprite falsh's have...


((( HAHA )))

Haha ok this was great funny indeed, abit hard to understand at times with the voices but was still good, and the subtitle was a nice touch, you had some really good backrounds with little stuff like cracks and shadows very good detail, this flashw as great and with lots of humor nice work indeed....


HenrikBorg responds:

Well, this review gave me a little creativity boost. It is nice to get feedback from a really experienced NG-user. Thanks for noticing!

((( HAHA CUTE )))

Ok this was random but it was entertaining, the artwork with the tree was cool, kinda starnge of a tree walking and all but it was overall funny, maybe abit better menupage but was funny, i like the random feel of it all, and that probably made it somewhat more funny but could use more, anyways nice work....


((( HAHA )))

This was cute, not to long and not to short either, i like your selection of colors aswell, the characters they are ok could use some more animating like more eye moving, and maybe a better plot other then swords, more scenes would be nice aswell, anyways nicejob...


((( ROFFL )))

Haha this was ok, could use more effort like more real like characters and could also be abit more humor to it aswell, it was ok though it entertained me somewhat, just could use more like more artwork with abit more effort, it was funny though...


((( CUTE )))

Sorta like alot of deaths or killing with some cute like art, also lots of random mements, haha it was funny and with the soundfx is made it more pleasing, my only issue was the blank backrounds, could have been better with more backrounds scenes and all...


((( VERY NICE )))

This was very cool, i liked the animating was smooth and flowed well, allthough it could have been somewhat better with more depth of a stoy, but other elements presented itself well, and its a fan fave so notbad at all, anyways nice work keep it up...


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