This was notbad, could use more design to it, and i tink i said this in other versions but why not add some borders and a more newgrounds theme aswell, other then that it was neat.
This was notbad, could use more design to it, and i tink i said this in other versions but why not add some borders and a more newgrounds theme aswell, other then that it was neat.
Borders are an awesome idea!
You have mentioned that the design could be improved, but I often don't know how specifically I should go about that.
Borders - good one!
Stay funky!
Seems like you put some effort into this, i like the style and direction of this, i thought the size could have been abit better but it was a decent tutorial with some decent art and effort nice job.
Yes, it only took me 2 days to put it together, but they were pretty full-on.
Thanks for the review.
(( Fun game ))
Wow this was fun and it had some nice graphics, very fun and the first level was ok but gets much better after that, nice game.
Just some downsizing of the file as it would be easier to load up.
Fun game decent graphics.
Thanks for the review, I have to agree it was a problem to try and make the first level more interesting than the others rather than the countrary, as it is usually more interesting and fun when it is more challenging, and it would be logical to make the last levels more challenging instead of the first one.
Nice idea.
Wow this was cool, something new not alot of people would think of this, you did a good job with the effects, but im thinking it could use more, maybe add a "WILD" fan jumping around, or even some backround screen, but besides all that it was great i think you should add to this.
Add more actions like the wild fan or backround big screen.
Design a concert, nice idea.
Fun Game.
Now here was a fun game, it was abit hard understanding the controlls at first but i soon got the hang of it, nice funn game though and simple aswell but mostly fun, nice work on this.
Maybe some improved character detail would be my suggestion.
Fun game gets abit tough after awhile, overall it was fun and entertaining, nice job.
Thanks for reviewing :)!
Your suggestion's being taken into account, I'll work on this for the sequal :)!
(( Nice game ))
This was a fun game, good effects like with the glowing door, the box jumped high, but i think it was an ok game, it needs some backround detail like the platforms and walls with some shading, other then that it was notbad.
Some backround detail would be a start, maybe even some enemie blocks.
A fun platformer game.
Thank you, now play 2, There is no enemie blocks, but there is obstacles.
(( Fun game ))
This was a fun game, nice detail good weapons, but there could be a few more options wit weapons but besides that it was fun and entertaining, also could work on the size of the animation
work abit on the size.
Fun game good options, nice work indeed.
Work on the size? I suppose I could make it bigger, but then, after the toolbars, adverts etc., the whole playing field may not fit on screen. If people have to hide their task bars and open new windows etc. every time, they won't want to replay again. If you mean make the enemies bigger, that would affect the difficulty, which I'll have enough trouble tweaking anyway.
Thanks for the review, though!
(( Notbad ))
This was notbad, i sorta liked it, has a decent look and easy to understand, could add more design to it though, improved interface is what i mean, also some size redcution could also help out.
Size reduction, and more effort on the layout of it.
Interesting idea, kinda neat.
(( Very fun ))
Notbad at all, this was fun, nice graphics and some neat little guns and good choices aswell, the game was fun aswell, shows good effort from start to finish,
I like it as is.
Fun game with good graphics.
Thanks for the review! I'm probably gonna start making HitFight III soon. I hope it'll be even better than this one. Please submit to shooting collection. =)
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