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This was a decent game

So i guess this game caemout ages ago but i had some fun with it, what i got out of it was ok but also it seemed too hard, maybe it could be somewhat easier especially for new people, This was a fun game dont get me wrong and there is some skill needed for it just wish there was some better oppertunities within the game, maybe one idea is allow more things to do and see, I actually liked the music and thought it was alright with the content, the levels do get hard but again this is still an entertaining game, so all and all this was pretty good game, anyways keep up the good work,

Now for making this game better theres lots of ways, but i think the best way might be more help options maybe extra Stuff that gets you more protection.

Fun game

Oh wow this had it all even some backrounds the "BEATS" were pretty good and fit well, the girl was cute and it was some nice artwork, the "ITEMS" were pretty good aswell and there was a few unique ones here and there so all and all this was pretty good game and i really enjoyed it, the music was really working well for this, i also like the detail that you put into some of the clothing, and last but not least great decision on having a larger view screen to show off more items, so making this better then it already is would be kind of hard, so for what it is it was a fantastic and fun game, good job.

Hmmm i think this one was just right, maybe some more beats and more backround choices.

Another fun dress-up game.

So with this one ill start off by saying that you did good with chosing the music you did it seemed to fit the content in the game, so props to you there, Now the game itself is ok, the character was sorta simple, but i did like some of the items even the animated cigar or cig not sure what it was but nice to see you went the extra step in making animated stuff, that was cool, The game was cool and i had fun with it, pretty entertaining though, So as for improvments The onlything that i can think of would be some slight more items and even some backround options more then one atleast.

This one is ok, needs some slight work to it, for sure make more animated stuff like you did with some of the items, and some backrounds wouldnt hurt.

Snazzy game

I was very impressed with this whole game now, very good detail and some nice easter eggs all around, that made it even more fun, i love all the props and clothing as there was lots to chose from and the detail was pretty good if you ask me, great use of detail, color and shading, and some good choices of stuff to chose from and all, some backround choices would have been nice maybe a scene selector of all the differant characters items you had in there maybe have something related to each one of those characters stuff as a backround. now of course its just an idea im throwing out there, but anyways great game here, lots of fun

Well as suggested above a backround changer related to all the characters, that had clothing and items would eb a start for this.

This was fun

You did something differant here with having two flash segmants in one so that was pretty nifty, while i mainly am reviewing the dress-up part of stuff, the tutorial was a nifty idea and nice addition to the whole flash even saving room, so nice job there, Now as for the dress up, things were abit on the "SLOPPY" side but there was a mess laod of items and guns, The dead Strawberryclock was a nice touch hehe, anyways you should spread out all the items abit more so that theres more visuable stuff to see and all, anyways Good game here had lots of fun with this one.

Spread out the items more so theres better selection, other then that it was pretty good, keep up the good work.

Another great game

I see you have made alot of these, types of dress-ups, all pretty good, On this particular one the body seemed very small in portion to the head, now i do commend you on having lots of clothing and props that was a plus on your side, also love that not everything was just duplicate, the music choices were good too and fit well aswell, so nice effort there, so once again you have presented another great dress-ups i have no hangups about this one except what i suggested on a few of your other ones, so add some sorta backround selector, so that the backrounds change up every now and then, anyways decent game , keep up the good work,

This is were i suggest a few ideas that could help to improve on this, hope it does help, and remember it can only make things better. This one was abit bland in backrounds you just had a plain one, so why not have some sorta backrounds related to the game, it would be much better then the bland palate you have now. hope those help though.

Very creative

Very creative with this one and the "ART" was very artistic aswell, The little "BLOCK" for censorship was kinda funny, but anyways lots of items to chose from, so the variaty of items was there, so that was a nice effort on your part, there was lots of unique stuff and really made this more unique then all the other types of dress ups that are just normal, so nice job on going beyond normal and such, i really enjoyed this game, as for improvments on the game, Some backrounds or some backround changer would be a nice option, maybe even throw in some animated items to go with your nice artwork. anyways good stuff here great game.

Just some ideas and tips on improving some points of the flash, so here are some suggestions, i hope they help., I will start off saying you have a good game and you have shown some good effort, but this could use some better use of backrounds, and even a backround changer, something like a scene selector. Some animated props stuff would be another nice addition.

This one was differant

So once again we have another dress-up game, This one was entertaining as much as a dress-up game can be, So this one was abit "UNIQUE" and differant and with the buttons its kins of hard to actually place stuff especially since once the button is clicked it popped everywhere, So you may want to fix that somehow, also the "BUTTONS" seemed too small maybe make them biggerm the items were ok but could use some better detail, aswell as better detail on the character, maybe even making the "CHARACTER" bigger would be a nice touch aswell, anyways decent game jusy needs some toch ups and added stuff for a better outcome.

WEll as above this could use some additions and extra stuff, such as a bigger character, bigger buttons, and even some backrounds.

A good clock dress-up game

Well i must say this was pretty interesting, I really love the whole uniqueness of this though and great job on backrounds with the stars, and you really packed in alot of items in this one thats was a nice addition, everything was colorfull and you even had some uniue items like the "SIGN" the sign was really good idea though with the whole obey and such hehe, so with this dress up i was pretty entertained and there was alot of fun and even replay value, but anyways it was a pretty good game, if anything it it could be better with some sorta rotating backround or even scene selector, anyways nice game here

And some suggestions on making this better like above, and would be in your best interest, not to take away anything from what you have going on but it could make for a better outcome of your flash. if anything it it could be better with some sorta rotating backround or even scene selector.

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