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Fun game

A decent game you have here, pretty fantastic, The monstors are really good, very details and nice visual effects that was the bestpart of this whole thing, it was a good game there was lots to do and there was alot of entertaining value you to this, so generally i was pleased with the whole thing, And the music was fantastic lots of great choices and of great quality so nice effort on this and shows lots of time you put into this so nice job overall, i really liked it, keep up the awsome work, Now as for making it better, maybe more little stuff more details, and you could even throw in some sorta mini game that would be kinda nice.

First of all good game here, the onlything i could think of to make it even better then it is, possibly have some mini games in there as a bonus or something.

This was a nifty game

This was a pretty fun game there was alot of interaction with it and good control by the user, the graphics could use some work there, There needs to be more detail more enhanced graphics and some extra effects aswell, You already have some nice effects but some more wouldnt hurt either, The whole idea of the game is pretty neat with the astroids and such, so nice job there that was pretty nifty, The music was pretty good aswell fiy very well for the game so that was another plus , and the upgrades were great there, The best part of this was the concept of the whole astroids and such so nice effort there.

There needs to be more detail more enhanced graphics and some extra effects aswell

Pretty good if you ask me. Ok so i must admit the "MEDAL" games are fun and like that you put some on these, the medals did seem rather easy on this one though, very simple and not hard to achieve maybe you need to have a much harder way of getting the medals. or have some easy ones and harder ones, The whole idea of controlling the missle was a nice idea, and differant then most games i have played on here, so good job on that area of stuff, So this was pretty fun right from the start it was fun and got better as you went on, the graphics were ok but have room for improvment, anyways nice job hope to see more of your work soon.

So in an improvment sense, the only issue or issues i could see might be some improved graphics and detail, even with some of the backrounds

Fun game, but needs more effort

Dress up games are pretty cool, but this could use more Props, and even some backrounds of some sorts something that changes up, but more backrounds for sure. it was a good start of a dress-up game, but could use more stuff, it lacked in that area, also some differant backrounds wouldnt hurt either, the art could use some spicing up, better detail in the art some shades and details. but other then that it did have some effort on this game, kinda fun actually, but regardless nice job, hope to see more of your flashworks soon. anyways untill your next piece keep up the good work.

This is pretty good but needs more items, make some odd and unique items aswell, and some animated ones wouldnt hurt.

It was ok

Ok so this was abit differant i do like how it starts off with the music, the items and clothing were ok, seems like there could have been more though, and the music just stops maybe if you had the music loop or change over to another tune and then have some sort of rotation of tunes, so that its not also so repettitive, Now this dress up was ok needs more enhanched graphic details more of a better character design and more clothing props to go with him aswell, but anyways it was a good start if i do say so myself. keep up the decent flash works.

To start off with there should be more music in rotation, second, there could be better character design, and last but not least more props and clothing is a must.

Needs more effort

So as a fan of these dress ups this one was actually not half bad, could use some work though, It is howver too "BLAND" but on a possitive note you did have some animated props like with the fire so that was a plus, but the items were too big if you make them smaller that will give you room to make even more props, with these types of dressups people tend to like variaty, so those are some things to look forward to, but other then that it was not half bad just needs some more effort on yout part, anyways good luck on your next one.

As suggested some smaller scale items, allowing room for more variaty, and the backround could have some sorta design to it.

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