Interesting and fun game
Ok so i got some fun out of this game, it was pretty "ENTERTAINING" and amusing it was like a pretty large world to have a great adventure, It was sort of confusing at first but as you get into kit, its pretty fun and kind of hard aswell but with some time and more practice it gets much better, There was alot of stuff like items and such to get to really advance so that was nice and gave your game "VARIATY" so nice effort there, And last but not least the "SOUND/FX" was pretty good and was showing good quality to it all so nice effort once again. Now all games and movies need some sort of improvment, but for this one i thought it was stand alone on its own.
Not sure what to suggest on improving, it was pretty solid, i supppose you can make the levels somewhat easier to advance to the next, it seemed kind of hard from oneto the next even more then normal.