
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice game

This reminds me of angry birds a bit lol the whole water element is nice the most ving around in the game and the game mechanics are nice too it was nice a fun game it was a stylish but anyways nice game here I like it



yikes, ok well a game not my thing, but guess its ok. seem slike it could have some better graphics So its a very acceptable game entry and I look forward to more work from that mind of yours maybe you could make some smoother details and such


heh funny stuff

so-so game but still i liked it it was funny stuff weed invaders was a pretty funny game name but seems to fit well with the content, I did think some added bonus and extra details would push this game over the edge but for the mostpart I found this game to be pretty fun


Entertaining game

Well its an interesting game, seems abit laggy to me, the controls also had a slow respnce to them, nice game scene designs, it was entertaining though an Entertaining game could use more interactivity and even more content it was a fun and entertaining game regardless



this was cool, maybe make it so that when you click on button the music stays and you could also have a stop music aswell, might make for some better mixing, nice work though its a nice Dance mixer wish they made more of these types they are pretty entertaining


Very nice

I really like the idea of this game you can really see the gameplay is fun love that the interaction is very active and that's what's fun about this game I wish people used more if these types of mechanics it makes the game more fun


Cool beans

Now here was a fun game the game seemed a little on the easy side maybe make it harder and the weapons seem like they could be more spread out throughout the game but I had some fun on this game here so nice work on this game


Nice one

So this was cool a nifty little intro on this was nice the platformer style fuesed with the puzzle element seemed to really work well on this game and you added in your own twists and blends so it came out nice anyways good game


Nice game

So this was a nice game here I like the energy in this because the puzzle and strategic is needed and some thinking but that's what makes it a fun game I like the puzzle solving types but anyways a good game here



So this was notbad the tower defense style is always a plus and you have some nice depth in this one a good build it up kind of game there needs to be a way to make more money though some stuff gets pretty expensive anyways nice game


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