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Well this was different I liked this for differant reasons, You even gave it a professional look at times and that was a plus on things, but like the randomness of it the small point and click style but does seem to need much more content, but it was entertaining


Haha nice

This skateboard game is really nice the slanted view is nice, the one medal is ok but I think adding in even more would be a plus, As I continue on I look forward to more nifty ideas so keep the mind flowing with many more great game submissions, fun skateboard game here


Wow nice

This was a fun game even ute with the sprite and pixel elements like the cute character, What I really love about this game is the story element you bring into it, From the start I want to point out that I feel that quality of this game warrants a higher rating because you have presented of good quality here This was pretty groovy if you ask me, The game was fun and entertaining But you all the elements together making for a decent game here, great graphics and story chapter here



Now this was a beautiful game I especially love all the medals you bring to the table, but what really jumps out at me is the 3/D like graphics and the controls run smooth, a fun platformer type I guess I'm a little late on reviewing this but thought I would go ahead and get started on it now and there were alot of fun and amusing things about this game, there was some nice and entertaining areas that I really liked This is to me pretty spectacular but its getting even better, a fun platformer type


I love this

First off I love the green element of this game, it brings me back to the old gameboy style of games, the control system is nice I think this game is really awesome Not just because it's really interesting but because of its really unique style and such you brought in this unique style and that is something you dont really see everyday, There are some Initial things that you could make better but overall its notbad of a game and something really fun here, love the green style


Nice scifi game

I love the fact that this game has a sci Fi element to it the game ran short though would be nice if it was longer in ways maybe some bonus stuff added but besides that this was actually a nice game here and I had some fun with it so nice job indeed


Cool platformer

Well I will say this was an interesting platformer game and with all the different and unique games it makes it even more fun this is one of those games you may want to add on some medals for the extra fun anyways nice game


Nice one

I like the fact that this is some real time strategy you have some nice depth to the rts style and the gameplay is nice and while there is a bunch of levels I think it could still use some added bonus elements maybe even some medals would be a plus



So this was fun and it's a toss game so that's makes it fun the graphics was notbad the gameplay and mechanics are easy going and it was fun to play I like the style here and had some fun on this game I hope you make more anyways nice game


Wow nice

So this was nice I don't think I have played much of the snail bob series but I found the gameplay really fun and there's some unique elements about it and keeps the player interested but anyways nice game nice series


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