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Repttitive music

Haha this was cute, now kirby always makes for a great dress-up, and he is just the perfect size for a decent dress up, and you gave him some nice detailed props and clothing but he could have used more, people tend to like a much more larger variaty of clothing and props to see the differant outcomes, but this was still pretty cute, i like the music, maybe you should have the music "ROTATE" with other music so its not so repettitive though, but for the most part this was pretty good and i had some fun here with kirby, so notbad of a dress up even as one of the earlier ones submitted, anyways nice work here.

Well to start off with a few tips on making this better, This is pretty good but needs more items, make some odd and unique items aswell, and some animated ones wouldnt hurt. you should have the music rotate with other music so its not so repettitive.

Decent game

A decent game you have here i like the whole idea of it being like a puzzle that wasa nifty idea there, Love the color effects with pieces, also this was a very good quality of a game with a well thought out idea here, and really keeps the user interested so nice effort there, It could have some more detail aboutit all though, more visual effects aswell, The backround was really nice aswell so nice touch once again, this whole game has alot of effort all around and i had fun with it, And last but not least this had some good sound but wouldnt mind seeing some more sounds aswell, anyways nice job.

Could use some better visuals and more detail just the little small details would be a nice effort of improvment, also some more sound/fx and music would be a nice touch.

A random Dress-up game

Ok so this was a differant kind of dress-up game but there was still some effort in it, the design of all the props showed good effort, allthough there was just a few items, thats something you probably could work on though, adding more would only work in your favor, and allow more people to make more nifty design out of this character. Adding some music throughout the game would be another plus, Adding some sorta scene selector for the backrounds would be another plus, Now i dont know who this bob character is but as a dress up it was ok, just needs more to it as explained here, anyways nice effort.

So with this one it was pretty basic, but with a few tips you can make it much better, have a music loop, or choice of music options that the user can "SHUFFLE" through, Dress up games are pretty cool, but this could use more Props, and even some backrounds of some sorts something that changes up, but more backrounds for sure.

Great idea

First off i love the whole ideas of this, being nightmare before xmas and all, never would have thought to make something like that, but good idea regardless, So this one actually took awhile to load, but it was worth the wait, it could have actually used more props. and items though, The audio in this was really great fit so well, i do like some of the ideas you have in this, but could use more animated ones and more iems in general, just an idea to think about when creating these, Im guessing it took awhile to "LOAD" because of the good quality audio maybe you can cut the audio down somehow, might help speed up the loading times somehow.

So while this was pretty interesting, here are some tips and ideas that may help to improve on it, Im guessing it took awhile to "LOAD" because of the good quality audio maybe you can cut the audio down somehow, might help speed up the loading times somehow, Some more items would be nice aswell, adding some animated stuff also wouldnt hurt.

Could be better

Haha this brings back memories, the game is kind of "BLAND" as it did not have alot of items especially much unique or differant types of items even much new style stuff, and even some animated stuff would have been nice but for the most part you did ok, just needs more "ITEMS" So in that aspect of stuff it could get better, but will need some effort on your part anyways good job for what you did do. There are actually alot of things you could do besides the above to make this better, maybe other funny and amusing stuff, and even update it with some new stuff from his death or something, anyways nice work.

Making this better would only help you, so maybe some suggestions might be, I mentioned a few tings above, More items, some sorta backrounds besides just the white, some updated stuff from his recent demise, and so on.

Great game, loved it

So every once in awhile ill run into something differant unique and thats what this is here, its not just some good looking babe, but something unique so for that good job, and the art and graphics was notbad at all, good detail you left with it, And it really was kinda like a pumnkin carving thing hehe, I love the "MENU" page and all the eyes and noses and lips was really great, you gave some good variaty and not just that but some very detailed items so props to you on a fantastic game, i really enjoyed it, Some ideas you could improve on, might to add such things as some more of the kill stuff like the "PENCIL" and i would love to see a darker backround for the whole night and halloween feel of it, anyways nice game.

Fantastic game, wanted to get that across before anything else, Here are a few tips and ideas on making this somewhat better, it never hurts to improve on stuff, even in the smallest stuff. Some backround scene selector would be cool, or some dark nighttime backround, some more props with some sorta amimated feel to it.

Decent dress-up game

This was a decent game, i like how you created a dino, and you had some nice options like "CHANGE" color, but if you were able to change color you could have had the same system so you could change the backround, would have been a nice option for the game, As for the items they were ok there was maybe 16 differant items, you could have had abit more though, but for the mostpart it was pretty good decent dress up game here, as for improvment ideas well above and below are a few suggestions that could help and make this somewhat better so give them a thought or two.

Here are a few tips and ideas on making this somewhat better, it never hurts to improve on stuff, even in the smallest stuff. Needs some sorta backround changer, so you can see differant backrounds, Maybe even something that rotates every few minutes based on the dress-up topic ofcourse. And once again it comes down to not having enough items and pieces which make up a good dress-up game, so add more items and make some unique ones maybe some with blinking and colorfull animations within them.

This one was differant

Ok this was differant but still a dress up game in a way kind of like a story to go with so that was pretty nifty, so i did get some entertaining value from it, i still think it needs some more stuff like items and even some better backrounds, even some sorta backround scene selector would be nice, also on another note when you had the story stuff you should have some sorta better backround, and even better fonts for the text, just a few ideas there i thought you could really benifit from, as this was a pretty decent game, but anyways good luck, it was entertaining.

so there were alot of things that could have been better, such as, better fonts, better backrounds, more items and so on.

So this was kinda differant

I must say this was kind of differant, it was interesting and these types of games are pretty interesting and have a certain "UNIQUE-NESS" to them at the sametime this could have used more effort and more design on the cards, the graphics was ok but could have been better, This game seemed hard though, just gets confusing for people as theres so much to learn, maybe as a flash version you can make it easier somehow. I do like the variaty in this but the graphics suffered from that so maybe the graphicd can be worked on, but anyways this was ok just needs some work.

So to start off, Graphics could be worked on, needs more design and detail to them and since there was alot there would need to be that much more effort. Try and

Hmmm ok

Ok so the idea of this was pretty nifty, and while this was a very old flash it was still interesting, now i must say that the "MUSIC" was very fitting as that game was very wild and hard, The jpeg images as targets was ok, but maybe you should have real character targets to shoot at, The cross-fire was notbad, but you should have the gun move around more aswell, and one last thing make the "VIEW-SCREEN" larger to see more stuff, but anyways that was the just of it and could be improved better, this was notbad and i had fun with it, keep practing and add much more time and effort to this one.

Here are a few ideas that i noticed, The jpeg images as targets was ok, but maybe you should have real character targets to shoot at.

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