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This was an alright game

Well here we have something interesting a good game if you ask me, i thought it was presented well, and i thought there was some nice elements throughout this whole flash, but anyways lets get really started with the details of this review. Alright this was actually a fun and entertaining game, you only had a few medals though, i think you should have it go every five questions to earn a level, but the 3 medals you have are just alright. but you have a good game here and the music is qwirky even, Maybe as another tip you should add a second or even third song to start after the first and so on, since the songs are so long you could have a variaty of differant songsplaying one after another.so fun game it was a pleasure. And so there is the main of the review, you have an interesting yet entertaining game here, some parts could be cleaned up and or add some small changes but not much.

OK so as mentioned there could be some small changes and ill post up some small changes that could make it look and act better, just a few tid bits and such. Add more medals as suggested above there just very few and you can balance it out with the mass amount of questions. have more variaty of songs.

Hmm ok

Now here was something interesting, not the best of choices but it was interesting and kinda nifty, there is more room for some extra improvment on this, but will take some effort on your side, but anyways its a good start i thought and i hope to see more from you, So this was interesting, i thought this was a dress-up of some sort, but just has a "LOOP" that is streaming here, but i guess this was more of a joke or trick from back in the day, and that was ok just was expecting a dress up game since i was looking in the dress-up section in gadjets and all, but anyways as a loop i guess its ok, the "MUSIC" was ok, kinda the onlything that made this worthwhile. And while the end is near on this review, i will take this time to comment that you have something here but you need more positive and better productivity all around, I did however find it kind of interesting nifty though, so i was glad to see this.

And some improvment ideas are always a plus for anything, and with this one i may have found one or two things that you can improve and make this somewhat better, so try not to take them lightly and go with them or even just one or two ideas well thats if i have any good ones. And with this one it was pretty entertaining but it was just a loop, neededmore of some more stuff going on and atleast throw in some dress-up stuff in there as it was in the dress-up section.

Another good one

Submissions such as this one here today are differant, sometimes unique but always exciting, so throughout this review today i will suggest some new possibilities on improving, but as far as i can see now, it was a good entry. OK so i saw the other one and was pretty impressed with what you had going on, and like that one this one is pretty good aswell, and this was another great idea allthough it was the same as the other but still good i thought, Now i did mention in the last one that the buttons and some added color could be a better option inimproving this, i will go into more detail later but that would be a big plus on your part. Very impressed, that was my lasting impression on this piece, allthough there are some areas that you could have dones this or that differant and a touch more efort, but for the most of this i was pretty impressed and liked what you had to offer.

Some of these types of entries are hard to give some good feedback into making them better, but i think i can muster up some ideas here, just look into the advice and ideas and go with it, just try and make it work. So making the buttons larger and more fancy would be a big plus on this, also adding some color and some colored backrounds would be another plus on your part.

Interesting concept

I was instantly interested here, you have a good concept and its unique in its own way, you brought together something new and old and made it all work for itself, so nice job indeed on all this, and i hope to see more efforts in a possitoive way ofcourse. this was an interesting concept you have here, it was rather differant from other dress up games, i think it being in black and white kind of helped as it shows all the effort and all the differant "CREATIONS" here must have tooken lots of time but the effort shows and for that its a plus on your part, so there was some great detail in this, I think one thing that could really make this better would be to add some "COLOR" like each little part or something but anyways you have a really good piece of game here. And while it may not be your best i still found this to be an intriging piece of work, and good design about it all, it was all pretty interesting and even entertaining so i commend you on the work you are doing with this form of entertainment.

I love these types of entries because they do come with a sense of something differant and unique, and theres also a sense of style that also comes with them, So you could try and add onto that, so i have made a few ideas that may help. so you did well with this and its really creative, you should think about adding some "COLOR" and maybe make the "BUTTONS" more bigger so that they are easier to click on.

Fun and entertaining game

I am interested in these styles of game-works and i like what you made for us here today, while not perfect it still brings a sense of fun and entertainment, so you have done well in my books, if i find anything to help improve ill suggest it soon enough. You have a really fun and entertaining game here, it was quick and right to the action wich was pretty nice, the "GRAPHICS" were pretty intense with some nice gameplay action, the sound quality was top notch, and overall i found this game to be pretty amazing, i think there was just an issue that you should add a much higher variaty of medals, you only have the one medal and you could really use more maybe for other random stuff like checking websites, or getting somany points, these are just some ideas for medals, but overall good game. A good game here now i did however see some stuff that could do with some extras just a few areas here and there, but mostly i like what you have here, i was pleased with your game, keep up what you are doing cause you do have some nice skills showing here on this.

Suggestions, ideas, tips and some advice for some improvment options are always welcome and will make sometimes even the perfect flash become even better, so i have a fewwpossibilities that could help, all iask is to atleast look into them. Extra medals would be a nice option here, so thats one ideas you should really think about.

Laggy but still fun

Something fun here, it had some nice elements through-out and some things that could be better, but overall this was notbad and kind of interesting. Congrats on the awards you got for tis submission, its nice to see your hard work get some recognittion, so i just want to give you a big congrats on the awards. A good story, you have here and i will have to check out the other ones, so very nice work on the story, great work all around on sound and game and so on, There could have been a better selection of medlas though especially with a game with this much detail, But one thing this did "LAG" and was very choppy maybe you can clean that up somewhat. To finsih tings off here and not to bore you here. i will finish this here soon, but as i do close on this review, you have made something,decent and it kept my interest allthough i could see some more improvment.

Some things could be cleaned up here, i may have mentioned some things already i would like to go over some of them and maybe some possibly some new advice on some improving some of these things, so hope you do look into some of these and try to even implement. Fun game but was rather laggy and could use a clean up there, maybe it was too much detail, or something but could still be looked into.


You have done something nifty here with this game, it has some good entertaining value and some nice things to do and see, so i was pretty impressed with it, i wouldnt mind seeing more though, but keep up the decent efforts. so i guess you are back on the single ones thats cool, these are actually pretty good and this particular one is simple but thats how they probably should be, Glad to see that you have moved the "NEXT" button down, still with the same music i guess thats ok, but would be nice to change it up now and then, The "STEPS" are basic and with this one thats ok since there was not that much linework, but anyways agood how to draw flash here, and i look forward to seeing more of your work soon. Its kind of sad that there are no medals thats something that gave this flash abit more quality to them. So not to cut things short, but you do have something nifty here and i was pretty impressed, wouldnt mind seeing more added into this to make it even more fun and interesting but you have done pretty good sofar.

All the positive is great but now is time for some feedback so hope you dont take some of the ideas too lightly as they will omly help to make this a much better experience especialy for fans like myself. So some of the things that could be addressed in this one are, adding some medals would be nice, also a change of music would be great aswell. some larger "VIEW-SCREEN" of the drawings would be a big plus aswell.

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