
11,872 Game Reviews

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Ha that was cool, the graphics seemed abit laggy, and the gun was slightly hard to control, but it was fun, and nice music aswell, the gun seems like it could be more smoother handling but I still had some fun with this game it was tricky but still fun



So this was pretty fun i like the fish element here I think it would be nice if the fish had different speed rates and maybe even different types of fish So ultimately I was not even looking for anything special today just some random portal entries but thats before I came across yours, The whole fish idea on this was nice This has a swanky and divine touch it sofar you have a good entry here it should bring joy for years Infact I had no Idea what to expect at first but as You play more into a game like this it brings alot more fun and excitement to the table, but anyways great fish game here


nukinukinukiki responds:



Well not the best one of the day and could use a tutorial or demo to really try some things out but seems like you have put in some effort in this and some elements are nifty just needs more content and such anyways nice game



I like the skill game type here the concept is nice seems like a quick and short game though also seems like you could advance on some added features some added medals if course but the puzzle and skill element is good with this one


This was nice

I like that this has a nice of different elements like the levels are nice and the music came in different and that was a plus the graphics are notbad at all so nice game and just a fun game loved the music on this one


Nice one

So this was notbad I like the style here it has some good visual details I do feel like you could ad on even more elements more content more features etc but honestly this was notbad and overall a fun lil game here


Very fun

A very smooth game here with all sorts of nice visuals and i feel like these kinds of games have some decent replay value and with the extras it makes it an even better game so with all that said i was impressed Hey this was very fun, i love golf, and this was just addictive and fun, just love the courses you put in, nice game, keep it up



Well this here was pretty fun it could use some added story element but for the gameplay and content it was pretty solid I like the visual appeal too and overall it kept my interest and keeps you wanting more so nice game entry



This was like an escape game the story is very good and has some nice depth on it very good story here the escape element really played well here this game is not for everyone but has some good interest level so nice job


Interesting game

So I found this game to be pretty interesting it has some very nice art and graphics especially at the start of it all level 3 or round 3 was a bit tough still had some fun on this game it's these kids nds of games that keep me entertained


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