
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was pretty fun I like the simple controls on this the graphics are very good and a nice art element about it the game tends to lag now and then but overall I had some fun with the gameplay and was pretty entertaining so nice game here



So this was a fun click game Wow I love this the way that you've put in such a lot of effort to get this far with some frankly brilliant entry ideas So you have done the time and effort and thats what drew my attention, could use some add game types in there


Alikhan2112 responds:

thanks for the review! I really appreciate it :)

Cool worm

So this was like a snake game but in a downwards spiral and that made it fun and different Well let me get this review started first of all you have submitted something fun and interesting here you have also kept my interest and made for an enjoyble experiece, and I got a kick out of this I even had a chuckle or two out of it all and I guess thats the idea, the downward fall was fast and nice lots to see and grab quick some nice medals but could use even more


Cool gameplay

here was was a fun game I really like the gameplay on this one and the trade market really is a nice option and makes this even more fun some nice graphics and some nice art too these types are good very interactive anyways nice job



So this game was notbad seems like you gotta put some time in but maybe that's the fun of it all I like the controls seem to have some good options and make the game work well but anyways this was a fun game here some good entertaining value



A screensaver of types here some more medals would have been a plus on this one You have really established a decent good quality of a game here there was some nice detail nice effects and even better visuals so nice job on those efforts on things, more medals



This was like one of those old kill games funny hurt and kill options funny and entertaining, I think this needs more medals and more fail options, So with this I was pretty impressed but anyways nice job on this game theres not much else to say other then I have enjoyed with this and your work, good kill game here


Notbad at all

So this was a nice game here notbad at all I like the physics of it all and has some decent gameplay motions and play through it was actually pretty fun and just has a nice energy level but anyways good game here this was pretty fun



So these rythem games are notbad this one had a nice interface and a good style about it the fast play was notbad I like the energy this brings on overall this was pretty fun and a nice game so it was a blast to play keep it up and hope to see more



So this was nice I like the style of this game the color combo element does take time to understand but for the most part it was a nice game nice physics about it too a fun game here but anyways a decent little game here


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