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So this game here was fun I think you could even ad onto this even more it has some decent graphics the sounds are nice it was almost like a point and click OK so I just want to get this started and mention here that you have something good here Alright where do I start you have alot going on with this one its pretty interesting and pretty fun once you get into it and such, the flashlight element was also nice


Alikhan2112 responds:

thanks for the review! I really appreciate it :)


Well this was nice kind of fun and silly but for sure an entertaining game So with this one I cant say that it was lacking much but for now I just want to say you did a pretty good job here, The whole concept about oranges was entertaining a lil fun on this game



I found the game entertaining but was tricky at first and the music was jamming So I found this entery to be alot of things but mostly it was interesting it kept me wanting to see what else you had in store but I can see with this kind of stuff you have me hooked and even wanting more, With just the one medal seems like you could ad on even more medals So its a very acceptable game entry and I look forward to more work from that mind of yours, fun and random game does need more medals


An Adventure

So this was a coolr adventure game I think some added changes could make it better, have a key like spacebar or z/x to skip on story scenes, and have a back shaded area for the subtitles, Now what I got from this submission was alot of things but what comes to mind is that it is groovy even a word I like to use swanky basicly means it was fresh and I was delighted to come across it, The adventurer running was nice all the different story elements was nice too How creative this was So This game had a lot going for it and towards all the elements this kind of game brings forward It is loaded with lots of fun and exciting elements, but anyways love the story depth on this and some nice animations and voice work



Well this was actually pretty fun the visuals are nice the sounds really pop up loud, but the gameplay wasnotbad kind of a quick and silly game but still had some entertainment on this game here, I think this had medals before but not sure and if not ad some in



Had a bit of trouble getting it to work but went through and was actually a fun game you even won a few awards for this one I like the style of it some nice visual detail but a good playthrough and I look forward to even more



So this was a nice and fun platformer game here with a unique style some nice mechanics and some good play through and some nice graphics to go along on this one overall fun game nice controls good platformer style


Very nice

Now this was nice it starts getting hard about level ten this physics and puzzle element game is fun but can get kind of tricky it's a nice game and was actually pretty fun and entertaining but anyways good game submission here



Well notbad on this game even with the slide falling element it's a nice feature and makes it more fun the idea is nice I like the graphics and for the most part is nice but anyways nice levels in this one so keep doing what you enjoy



Notbad, that was neat from the topview, it was abit laggy, but the music kept it interesting, and the overview was just a cool idea, I think the control system could be smoother and reworked somehow but I did like this game here it was nice so notbad at all


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