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Fantastic and addictive game

I think this game is really awesome. Not just because it's really interesting, but because of its really unique style and such, you brought in this unique style and that is something you dont really see everyday. Fun game you have here, its addictive and fun, these are very popular games like gems and crystals allways an addictive game, fun and enjoyble. The game gets better and is fun just kind of hard at times maybe you should have a hint option, The action scripting doesnt seem to allow you to get the medals so maybe thats something you should look into. Make things work more efficently and even competitively, and with that your idea and ideas will grow into something really special and unique so go and make some awsome stuff.

There is a never ending work on these kinds of games, There is alot that can be done so here i have some things that you may like to try out, so dont hesitate to try some new things to better your project. Medals dont seem to work so you should try fixing that.

Decent game

Not too much flash games and movies really dazzle me, but thats because everything is always the same, You have gone and made the effort to change this one and make it different from the others, And i will say that this one has dazzled me to the max. OK so while this was a rather larger file to load it was still an interesting game and kind of fun, i like the addition of the medals as it makes it a moreinteresting game, The "GRAPHICS" were cute and the "MUSIC" wasfitting, so it was an all around entertaining game. the traps are kind of hard but it was, fun and entertaining, i liked the game, it was amusing, sometimes the traps seemed hard at times. Set the standard for what people enjoy, Consistant quality will thrive this to the top including showing the best results. So keep at what you are doing because you are making people entertained with your ideas.

There is not a huge problem with this flash, but there are some things you could work on to improve, so i will have some advice and some small options of ideas that could help. make some hint ideas for traps or something.

Fun and flashy game

Nifty game and thats just an understatement, Its alot of things but i found this game to be nifty, entertaining and a whole bunch of fun built around it, Now ofcourse there are some things that can be worked on to make it look and feel better, even play better, And i will address that soon. So this was fun right off the bat and you offered some easy controls, and they playout so well, also some nice "EFFECTS" and such was pretty nice, The music was also nice, and fit well with the gameplay. The "AI" of the gunman and all was very good, so that tells me a well designed game, so props to you on that, The medals are kind of easy but then some are kind of hard so there is a sort of balance there. So overall a good game. Anyway, after I got the hang of this game it became very interesting. and i adapted well to this game after some tinkering here and there, soon my ending note here this was not a bad little bit you have here.

You are withholding content from your audience when you dont push new ideas and suggestions, so my advice is put the effort in and show the creativity that can really make this even more special then it already is, here are some of my thoughts and ideas that may help. Not much of improvments, needed as you have a pretty solid game, but you could possibly bring the filesize down somewhat.

Fun game

So my perspective on this whole thing was that this brought excitement this brought entertainment, and this also brought some good ol fun, so this reviewer is an instant fan, Impressed from start to finish, you know exactly what you are doing so keep doing that. And here is another fun game especialy by one from the owner of newgrounds and that always makes things abit more special, So ill start this off first by saying the navigation is really smooth and you picked out some nice fitting music it was actually pretty cute. The game did seem somewhat complicated so takes abit of time but once you get the hang of it, its pretty straight forward, it was a fun game though. Sometimes my reviews may come across a bit too harsh, so I try to end this on a more positive note: So it has some god elements accross the board and i look forward to what else you canmake of this

You have a good game here, i would try and suggest some possible ideas, and i will get to that, but just try and Maximize on the weaker areas and weaker points of the game bringing better balance to the whole piece, I wouldnt mind a larger "CANVUS" screen so you can see stuff better on more larger view.

Very fun and addictive game.

ok so i took some time with this game, it was an interesting one, I found this to be fun and it has some good replay value besides that there is some excitement building around this one. Ok so this starts of with a "CUTE" look and sound, very fresh colors and props all about it so really nice idea there, Not alot of flash can win awards but when the effort does show off as does this one then its worth it and this one was worthit for sure so fantastic job there, and props to you on the awards. So the game was noth hard and easy, it was also "ADDICTIVE" i found muself having lots of fun and i guess thats the important part. The gameplay itself is pretty interesting. And is not overly complex more simple games that are the most enjoyable. tend to not be too detailed so thats why i was thankful to find this one, as it was prettyentertaining and interesting.

I like what you have done here, i would like to suggest some ideas, and some positive suggestions, Flex your ideas flex everyones ideas and make it a much better game entry then you can, So here are some options Some more flashy effects when you get some great combos and such would be nice but honestly this game didnt need much to it.

Differant and unique

Well, this was another weird game. The funny thing is that I was actually eating a giant cookie before I played this. I guess I liked this because it had such a fun spirit to it. I had no idea how some of this all came together but in the end it was all fun and worked out for the best. Alright so this was not my type of game, but it was acyually a pretty interesting game, it had a lot of stuff to do alot of buttons and alot of cluddered stuff all around, so maybe you want to spaceout your design abit more, some bigger screen so you can put in more things, just an idea and thought. Now this is like one big suprise so for that i thank you for all the effort all the detail, and all the time you put in, you really do give people a sense of joy with this kind of work.

The little things could definitely use some work. At the very least, I think it could have some fine-tuning. While it's pretty cool, You may want to add some other options and ideas so here are some possible ideas, just thought i would pass along some ideas there. So some things were too cludered, you should make a larger screen size so you can space out things,

Cute game

I was truly surprised at how hard this game turned out to be! The weirdest thing was how it had such a simplistic look to it. That's in no way intended to be an insult. But even with all that it turnedout to be a pretty fun and entertaining game so i did enjoy it for what it was. This was nice and "FRESH" even had some quirky music that was pretty cute, and congrats on the awards on this one, your effort shows off highly on thisone, The idea is basic but the concept of soing differant things with the baloons is cute and keeps one interested. I really like how each new level you have to try and figure out the skillof that level and try new things. the tutorial level was pretty good too i thought. So i saw something like this before and you have really pushed it to another level and thats what seperates this one from the rest so that is what originally dree me to this, You show in your work great detail,and the quality comes out in full, And for that i am greatfull for all the decent work you put in.

The last point of improvement I can think of is that you could make the ideas i have suggest a reality in some future update, or somewhere down the road to try and use some of the basic ideas, because in the end they can help and improve. The music was cute but sometimes was anoying, maybe you can have an option to change up the music.

Fun and simple.

Glad i had the chance to feast my eyes on this piece, because you have done a few things that i have not seen before and its always nice to see some different aspects and such, keep that style up, i look forward to more from you. So you pushed the whole "BORING" theme here i thought that was somewhat funny and it was kind of entertaining if you ask me, OK so it could be spiced up as more of a simple game that gets better in time? just an idea i did think it was kind of interesting not boring more more on the simple side. Games like these are a dime-a-dozen, now i dont mean that in a bad way, you have pushed it beyond the same old style and beyond the edge, And have shown us there is always room for more stuff just like you have shown us here so awsome job for that.

This one kind of reminded me of a big party, It was full of life, full of different ideas and of-course was just a big bowl of fun, I was entertained with your work and the entertainment aspect of this, and plan to check-out more from you when i get the chance. The game is interesting some added sound and some graphics enhancments as you progress the game would be a nice touch up.

informative game

This doesn't have much to make it unique, but it's a harmless game. I appreciate the fairly good amount of effort that you have put fourth on this because it does show and thats a big plus with me, and in the end it did bring its own kind of unique style to it all. Alright so you do have a good and informative game you have here, took me about three tries but it was all good by then, i think i only missed like three questions, but its a fun game, i think you can "EXPAND" on this for sure some more medals, but also the "MUSIC" was way off i think you need more of a pleasent feel and tune to something like breast cancer, but thats just my input. So here we are another day, another flash, You have amazed me with the effort, the quality, and everything else you bring here, so keep up that aspect always.

That was a very fun game that took up a bit of my time,it had like a strange feel but, overall i enjoyed this game very much. This game was quite simple once i figured out the easy stratgey, This was a pretty neat game you made, Im sure others will enjoy it, as it does have some interest. I would suggest a change of music and some more medals with much more questions and such.

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