Amusing game
There was a lot of good things to like about your effort here, the main part had to be the concept and design of the whole game, And to be honest with you i thought this was entertaining and fun even exciting, There is good things about this, and in a way it was rather unique. Now heres a game that i was impressed with, the size alone was very impressive, if you can make a fun game with just a small size like that, then you have my vote. ok so this game was kind of like chess, i like it and there was some interest, but got boring after abut maybe because of the turn based style, maybe if you added more to it like some enhancments and some effects, and even some bonus games in there. The power of creativity is in all of us, and you have show-casedyour creativity here in this flash game, you have brought some smiles and joy inckuding lots of fun entertainment to the portal keep it up.
Seemed like an alright game. It is definitely fun, and entertaining but there is obviously room for improvement here and there. So this is where i may suggest some possible polish points and some other areas that can be polished up. Making this more interesting with some mini bonus games and some extra effects and elements to the game to give it more of an entertaining value.