Wow im impressed
Now here is a game that makes good use of the elements, a fun game, and allthough i have been playing for abit i seem to be lost in it, Dont think its the perfect game, but i found it to be inlightening, and delightfull, not to mention fun and even silly at times. OK so im impressed this has alot ofmedals and alot to do even though the "SIZE" wasabit much i think it was all worth it with the amount of fun content you did add in thisone. Oh and by the way nifty "LOADER" you had with bullet bill, love that idea, And the intro was even better, OK now im really impressed and thats just after the first level you gave it that "MARIO BROS" feel and it was fun and fast, very good game. this flash doesn't offer me too much. ti gripe about and what that says about you, is that you have done a good job on this falsh, and honestly this is a pretty good flash, so nice job indeed.
Cross your T's and dot your I's, thats what i always say, here are some options you could possibly take or just look into, and maybe even use some options and ideas outside of the box, and in the end more quality will come out of and shine, so here you go. Well some of the early medals can be abit tough maybe make some possible easier ones.