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Amusing game

There was a lot of good things to like about your effort here, the main part had to be the concept and design of the whole game, And to be honest with you i thought this was entertaining and fun even exciting, There is good things about this, and in a way it was rather unique. Now heres a game that i was impressed with, the size alone was very impressive, if you can make a fun game with just a small size like that, then you have my vote. ok so this game was kind of like chess, i like it and there was some interest, but got boring after abut maybe because of the turn based style, maybe if you added more to it like some enhancments and some effects, and even some bonus games in there. The power of creativity is in all of us, and you have show-casedyour creativity here in this flash game, you have brought some smiles and joy inckuding lots of fun entertainment to the portal keep it up.

Seemed like an alright game. It is definitely fun, and entertaining but there is obviously room for improvement here and there. So this is where i may suggest some possible polish points and some other areas that can be polished up. Making this more interesting with some mini bonus games and some extra effects and elements to the game to give it more of an entertaining value.

FlyingColours responds:

Thanks a lot for the review! We'll definitely remember the points you brought up. -FC

Very Addicting game

So besides the simple graphics and desigh i personally enjoyed this game, but the graphics were not really that off anyhow, It was a fun game, In-General this was a pretty fun and interesting game, It sort of has a stylish and unique feel to it, It was different interesting and unique so props to you for that. OK so here was an interesting game, and i see you won some awards, Congrats on the awards it really looks like a promising game, has an entertaining value too it, and its a fun style of game. so as i get into the game it was an unexpected style and it was fun, the graphics are smooth, and it was simple yet addicting and fun, I found this to be really funn and the type of game one could play for hours, so for this reviewer you have amazed me to the maximum. Now at first i was confused with the missions and such, but you really made it work and made it run smooth so very nice job, the music was very fitting and keeps the momentum going, i cant say enough great things about this game, the medals were fun but maybe adding some extra medals since it is a deep game you have. A good game here there are some ups and downs, but mostly ups, maybe you can clean a few things up here and there and a few changes on some of the downs and when all said and done you will have a good polished piece of work.

I liked this submission overall, it just needs more consistancy. By that I mean that while some parts were very well made, there were other parts that just seemed lacking when compared to the rest of the flash. Below are some options that may help and improve on things. Some extra medals wouldnt hurt, but adding a few extra would make it better and more quality based.

Wow nice

now this game has good use of elements. really swEEt game. I've been playing this for awhile.. and now i'm lost. But anyway, i really like the concept of this and how you got this started. you can see all the elements come together, and while its not perfect it still has some nice options and such. alright so i have spent hours and hours on the burrito bison revenge but didnt even know you had another one, so this one may take another few hours to complete but its all good these are some fun and addictive games, but anyways the lesswer version here, but still a fun and entertaining game, hope to see much more like this, i think the only improvment points would be the same as the other one wich would be adding some more acheivment medals. OK so that this review can come to a closure. I will end it shortly, but before i do go, i will say that im impressed and have enjoyed your game, and i hope you keep making stuff like this because, its entertaining and pretty fun aswell, so keep it up.

Seemed like an alright game. It is definitely fun, and entertaining but there is obviously room for improvement here and there. So this is where i may suggest some possible polish points and some other areas that can be polished up. So just like the other one, adding some more acheivment medals would be a big plus. maybe not making them so expensive would be nice aswell since its taken a few days just to do everything on this game.

Fun game

I found alot of good things here you had some good effort i think the main thing i really liked about this was the design and concept idea, But to be tottally honest with you it was entertaining, aswell as fun and exciting, so there was some rather good things about this, and it was sort of unique in its own way. This game is kind of interesting, i was not too fond of the whole interface and having to click on a button to restart you should make it so that if you can just click on spacebar or something to restart the game or stage, the music was pretty good, it was just right if you ask me, a fun game with some decent acheivments to gain, so a good game you have some interface changes would be nice. I cant help but wonder what else you have in store for us, You bring alot of quality to these kinds of games, so cant wait to see what else you have in store for us.

This kind of game is fun but not always the easiest to suggest some ideas for as its already good, I may have found a few things that i could throw your way for some improvments, but here you go and hope they help. make it so that if you can just click on spacebar or something to restart the game or stage, instead of havving to drag mouse and click on retry, also more upgrades would be a big plus on this one.

Different kind of game

To start this off i first want to give you some props on this flash, the layout and design of it all was interesting, especially with how smooth it started up, I think this type and style of game has room for expanding with a few extras, but you have a decent flash and pretty unique if you ask me. This game was kind of different but it was interesting it was fun as it started, and as it gone on it kind of got slow and somewhat boring but then as i progressed the game got pretty interesting, the game it was something differant but it was prety fun, there were some bland moment but it was pretty interesting and entertaining, so thanks for the fun experience. Ok, it's a tad confusing, but honestly. Nice work! Even without going into major detail, this is still really good, and I understood it reasonably well as i got more into it so props to you on the good efforts.

I am always trying to be as helpfull as possible in these reviews, But i will be the first to tell you it is never easy, But i still believe there are a few options i may have for this one, And so below here are some of those ideas to go with, So here are some helpfull hints. I think there could be stuff that could make this better, maybe a larger screen, maybe more possible bug upgrades and such.

Odd yet fun game.

I personally like this game even with the simplicity of the design and graphics allthough they were not that bad, The game itself was a big bowl of fun, And in general this was a fun game, Kind of gave off a unique feel about it, You made this game fun, different and interesting. This was an odd kind of game, this was differant and had an old style of newgrounds with the flipping aroundof the boy, and itwas actually an entertaining game with some amusing effects, i would like to see this have more effects and even some flashy effects like when you hit him, also a Cross-hair would sufice besides just the cursur. The medals actually were easy but the first one was kind of hard but that makes it all themore fun. I think the best part about this is that it looks really nice, and even structured. It's immediately clear what this flash is about, But you do get the point across in making this a fun and entertaining game.

Now on this type of game its not always easy to find some helpfull points, but i think i may have found one or two things that may help, so do look into some of these. So this was an interesting yet entertaining game, the graphics could be much better, Add a cross-hair so that there is like an aimer of sorts and such., also adding some flashy effects would also be another addition.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Thanks for the detailed review :) very helpful :D
Glad you enjoyed it, I would recommend playing some of the sequels, you can see I improved greatly (well greatly compared to these)

Fun times

You have put lots of smiles on the viewers of this game especially this reviewer, You have made it a big task and completed it with lots of energy and lots of detail through out this flash. This game was pretty fun and the medals were a nifty idea, the interface was notbad but maybe it could use more of a flashy look just something to look into, but i found the game to be fun and entertaining, It was not too hard either it actually ran pretty smooth so the gameplay was pretty fun and interesting, so thanks for a fun game here. The style and effort you put into this gives the game something I hadn't seen before. and it really stood out, and that all makes this different from the others i see come into the portal.

I try and be as helpfull as possible in my reviews, but its never easy But i believe i may have a few options for this one, So below are a few ideas and options to go with, so hope you look at it as some helpful hints. So this probably doesnt need much changes but maybe a facelift on the interface and buttons, but its an older game so probably not needed.


Good job on this one, My honest opinion on this one is that this was fun and entertaining even amusing, This was one of those entries that was pretty amazing, and i really like the effort it shows off well and is full of energy. So i played one of the button games, before i think it was number five and that was pretty hard was only able to get a few medals from that one, You should make these button games save afile so that you can continue on from last point of death or something like that, the graphics are not too appealing but its more about the activity and randomness of the whole game. but anywaysit was fun regardless and had an alright time with it. I have to state the most obvious thing: everything flows well, and there's enough different stuff in it. Everything is done well, since it's clear what everything is doing and used for, so for me this was a pleasure and a good piece of a flash.

I have made a few Recommendations but ill explain those later, I did like the focus and direction you have taken with this submission though, I also love how you Utilised things in this flash to work well and have a nice flow, And to start making things better here are some tips and ideas that could really make it better Adding some sort of save option to continue from where you left off from each end point would be a plus on this.

Seen these kind before

You have impressed this reviewer with this one, I found this thrilling at times and overall it was fun, Must have been great to finish this one, anyways you have made something here that everyone can enjoy. These games i have seen before and these can get pretty addictive just like this one now, now as i got into the game its pretty fun and its all a learning process as you findout new things and how to progress, the first challenge seems to be slightly harder then i thought, but overall this is a fun and addictive game. Even though the some of this review is critisism, don't take this as a negative review. The Flash is awesome, but can be much more awesome in my opinion. You really deserve more credit because i do know from experience that these take lots of time and effort.

So always doing what i can to get some new and some improving ideas across the way here, I believe you have covered alot of things already and did some good detail here, allthough there are still some ideas and areas that could be added, and here is what i thought and came up with. With this kind of game i wouldnt mind a larger view screen so that you can have a larger maping out of track and such.

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