
11,872 Game Reviews

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Very nice

So this was a nifty little game here it was different the animation of the character is nice My Initial thoughts were not great but then thought this had some more positive then the negitive It actually contains alot of interesting ideas surrounding it and such, The concept was different and had to take my time to understanding the controls for the most of this is pretty good and I liked everything i saw here so keep up the good work, a fun game nice greaphics


Nice platformer

So I call this one a drop down platformer and it really keeps you on your toes, No lackluster areas of this one but there are some points that could be improved and such You still have a good representation and a very acceptable game with good standards, The dropdown style is not easy but is fun and the graphics is nice I also like the coin collecting So with this I was pretty impressed but anyways nice job on this game theres not much else to say other then I have enjoyed with this and your work, but overall a fun game decent upgrade system too


blit-blat responds:

Thanks! And yeah, there's defo some bits that could be improved, maybe for a sequel? ;)


Its an allstar game the fighting mechanics are really good on this game I got a positive experience from this one you have shown us this great piece sofar You already have a professional touch on this one so with a few extras it wouldnt hurt, The graphics are nice pixel i assume but still nice with some small moderation ofcourse anyway I really like what you have here and since this review is almost over, A fun fast paced game here needs more medals


Fun game

Hey that was a fun game, kinda reminded me of slolam from good ol classic nintendo, good play reaction with the key pad, the navigation was abit off like when game over and "play new game button" it gets hidden behind the trees, but anyways still a fun game


Fun fish game

So this was a nice fish game the graphics was nice kind of like a real fish tank So before I get started here Let me elaborate some things first of all I like the effort and the detail droping food was nice almost has a slow start up time but was fun and you bring a sense of passion along with the nice talent, Would have been nice with a bigger tank or even a scrolling tank The idea that you push across the board here so all that was a divine and positive way and i liked that You have processed a good game here, A fun fish game here


This is fun

This game was pretty amazing I for one love what you did with the vibrant colors in the backround, the game music really helped to uplift the fun element too, I got a positive experience from this one you have shown us this great piece sofar You already have a professional touch on this one, Some added medals would be nice as a platformer type of game you really pushed the style here and made it a hip and fun platformer game I really like what you have here and since this review is almost over, nice platformer here



So this was an odd one Well I always like to see interesting work and this one was no disappointment You've presented a lovely game with well designed ideas and a good concept, and on that note I think you could do much more with this like some added medals some added interactivity to do more props and just more of it, but besides that you have a nice game here


Unique game

The game was different the grid was nice and takes some time to understand Once again we have another decent game here theres not alot I can say to improve on this but honestly this was a pretty fun game, I love all the purple elements and colors So I unnecessarily clicked on this entry not really knowing what it was but then I found out that it was pretty awsome It was a swanky element that you added into this one, understanding this game was not easy but figuring out the switch was good


Intrapath responds:

Hey, glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing! And I agree, I love the color palette here.

Fun times

Now this game is fun I love the side scroller here it also reminds me of an old artai style game the sounds the graphics Ok good game type here I didnt see much that it was lacking but it was pretty amusing and pretty entertaining and I had some fun with it, Love the space like graphics simple and fun You have some good insight on how to make these things and you do well on them and you made a fun and enjoyble experience for all to enjoy, The medals are also pretty fun too not too hard and not too easy



Well I dont know what to think with this one but will say it was pretty entertaining and since you make 2 games a day maybe the quality is not as high but this was still a fun and entertaining game with a bit of concerning lol no but really it was entertaining


ZabuJard responds:

ur playing my games from 12 years ago?!

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