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A decent quiz

Well this was different its a quizz game but with some space action involved on it so nice job there, maybe make the screen bigger for more of the space ship elements, Alright a decent quiz game you have here it was actually pretty nifty if you ask me, I like these types of games because they actually make you think and you presented a "NICE-QUIZZ-GAME" here so nice job on this one "SOME-ADDED-POLISH" wouldnt hurt but overall this was cool.

maybe make the screen bigger for more of the space ship elements


Cool beans

So a lot like "HANG-MAN" and that was alright, maybe adding some fancy effects would be cool, Another fun quizz here, even if I have seen a dozen of these now and again its always "FUN-TO-SEE" a new quiz or even an old one with great info this one was notbad and cant say I was the best at it but overall this was some really nice game here with some "DECENT-QUESTIONS" and answers.

maybe adding some fancy effects would be cool


SolarCrystalStudios responds:

Thanks a lot for the feedback

This was my very first game to be published to the web and it does contain several flaws and the GUI is poorly made. I do intend to remake this game in Unity with more features one day, as I've learnt a lot more coding and game art now.

Cool quiz game

Testing your english was nice so nice game here Another cool quiz game you have here this was pretty nice this was really entertaining and somewhat informative aswell, this was a "GOOD-QUIZ-HERE" and it kept me entertained so really nice job on creating a "FUN-QUIZ-GAME" here and I encourage you to make more someday.

I think its fine as is


Very cool

Wow I have to say that the game was something "UNIQUE" and different I love the grunge like view of the screen and such its kind of a dark game, you should ad some medals onto this game, So as I have Evaluated this awsome flash you have here, you have amazed me aswell as others, you could make a great Highlights reel with this, there was some nice visuals in this and it was a well rounded flash entry, and I can only hope to see more work from you just like you have posted up here, so keep up the work.

you should ad some medals onto this game,


A fun little game

I like the pixel like characters here, the gameplay was good and allowed for some "ADVENTURE" the controls were easy to handle and responded well, you should throw in some flashy effects on impact moments and some medals would be nice on this game, So after that entry I was not expecting what you have presented here, So you are capable of this and even more wich impressed me even more, I wouldnt mind seeing you Salvage some more weaker points and make them much stronger points, With some moderation ofcourse. but you have a very good eye for detail as this flash shows that.

some flashy effects on impact moments and some medals would be nice


Cool and fun

Decent game but for sure could use more props and items and for sure some animated items, These types of games allow one to really dress the design or character up very well, and thats what I enjoy about these types and while some are simular this one was "UNIQUE" in its own way, and its you the creator that makes those efforts on this game submission, so nice entry.

for sure could use more props and items and for sure some animated items



So this was an interesting game here it has some nice color, and the "GAME-PLAY" was simple and fun, this was pretty decent, this is one game you dont need much of a change here it was fine as is, but anyways a good game you have here I hope to see more from you soon.

you dont need much of a change here it was fine as is


A nifty Tutorial

I never knew that "PEN-SPINNING" was a thing, you should have an animation on here on how its all done, A nice tutorial you have here its a nifty tutorial, These are a dime o dozen of "THESE-TUTORIALS" from back in the day and this particular one was pretty good this was pretty nifty and a nice design of elements, you bring some interesting ideas here in this one and "THESE-TEND-TO-HAPPEN" for the old flash game makers and such.

you should have an animation on here on how its all done


A unique Tutorial

Nice a decent tut here I would suggest adding some color into the interface here, So this particular "TUTORIAL-WAS-RATHER-NICE" and I found it to be pretty unique, you have some nice game type here, I do wish there was more of these these days as these were a nifty bunch of "SPECIFIC-GAME-TYPE" and helpful, anyways you have a nice game here.

I would suggest adding some color into the interface here


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