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A fun creative game

Well notbad here I love the sound F/X the art style was smooth some more options and such would be nice on this game, I like the style of this game and allows for some good creativity now with this game I could see you adding a tad more, its a good dress-up game of creativity, the visuals are decent and could see some slight improvments there but not by much anyways great game.

some more options and such would be nice on this game



Well the game seems glichy and could use some fixing up it was flickering and couldnt see all the buttons at first but the idea of a game like this is pretty nice and hope you can improve on this game overall this was notbad at all and it was an ok game just needs fixing

as mentioned above


An entertaining dress-up game

Nice game but could use more design styles more options about it, Nice dress-up game on this one it has some nice and unique visuals too some nice game here and love the details on this, An entertaining dress-up game you have a nice vision on this game and I like all the added details here and hope you make even more games like this.

Nice game but could use more design styles more options about it


Zombie killing = FUN

OK first off this game is pretty fun, the {ART} and GRAPHICS are pretty decent not great stuff but still showing some nice {VISUALS} the animation of the {ZOMBIES} could have been better i suppose, but other then that it was alright, i like how each level changes into a new {SCENE} for an older flash game you still presented a fun and very active game, but ofcourse there could be some {IMPROVMENTS} such as, I noticed the rate at wich you kill a zombie seems very slow, so the {KILLS} came in very slow, thats something you could speed up, also adding a {CROSS-FIRE} would also help, these are just a few ideas that could really put this flash game over the edge and give you better end results, but really for the most part its pretty good and fun, not addictive like i first thought but with a few fixes and changes you can make it much better and much improved and shows much more effort on yourside of things, Anyways fun game you have here, keep up the awsome work.

You should think about adding a cross-fire, instead of the cursor arrow it makes it look like you are really using a weapon of some sort, and gives the player that sense of feel that they really are killing or shooting something.
Also speeding up the kill rate would be another touch, Fun zombie game abit slow but still ok with me.


Nice little game

Nice characters and a decent little story Could be somewhat longer though but it had some nice stuff such as the characters and story style, you presented a decent game so nice job on this, hope to see more soon and do make them longer ofcourse

could be longer ofcourse



Well notbad, its a decent shooter, better then some i have seen in the past, the sound was good, the clown growl was funny, i like how you made different pin-point areas for the viewer to shoot, and the moving onto the next scene after one has killed x-many clowns was a nice touch, so overall a decent shooter game

No major changes it was notbad of a game



This was impressive, it had lots of interactivity and fun simple artwork like the characters and the music really went well with the action, you put together an all around fun flash movie/game, very fun indeed, hope to see more soon.

Fun game no changes needed.


Very good

Now this was a very good game you have here the graphics was nice the rpg style and the visual of the board was really nice too the medals are a nice touch and make this game really fun there was so much great AI it was a really solid game here you have a nice energy in this game too.

no major changes maybe some added flashy effects on battle moments.


An interesting game

Well that was an interesting game you have some nice ideas and there was some nice flashing ideas on this game so it was kind of fun the music was nice and there was some overall fun elements about this game really nice interface too so nice job all the way around on this game

no changes as this game flowed along the way.


Really fun

So seems like you have a fun game here you have a small screen size but maybe that was what makes it a bit fun I would suggest adding even more medals for more strange and unique medal achievments the graphics are nice and the game itself was pretty fun and some nice game play you have here.

I would suggest adding even more medals for more strange and unique medal achievments


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