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Very impressed with this game.

So to start off with this was a pretty good game and nice graphics with the menu page wich was really nice detaild wich was the same as the loading page so that was a plus, Glad to see this won a daily feature you can see why, good graphics and keeps the fun in playing it, so that was another good point on this game, Soi get into the game and it tottally blows me away and is fun with all the shooting and dodging all around, its really a great game, the controlls are abit hard to deal with as its both on the right hand side of thekeyboard maybe have the movment keys on the left. the music was another plus it was a perfect fit for the game, and really kep the tempo of the game going so really nice effort, the gameplay was awsome great replay value with this and the top overview play is even better, so overall a fun game, just one issue with the controlls, but still worth theplay.

have the movment keys on the left. so its easier to move and shoot,

Fun game lots of replay value.

Entertaining game

This was a short game here, i did like the medal option but it might have been more fun with more medals and more options in that sense and such, the medal was pretty easy to get aswell, the art and gameplay was pretty fun though pretty basic, you do have a fun game here but it also needs more, more levels to play, more stuff to do and more medals to win, just an idea though, so while this was a simple game it was pretty fun, as for some improvment changes more levels, more medals and more differant scenes, other then that pretty fun game here, hope to see more games soon as this was notbad at all, untill your next game or flash, keep up the awsome games.

ome improvment changes more levels, more medals and more differant scenes

fun game overall could use more though.

Brilliant game

I like this game it was sharp and easy to play and even better to understand, the loading time was kinda big but still worth all that time and such, i really was pleased with this game, the "MEDALS" were a nice addition aswell, so nice game indeed, Great idea on your preloader you have, as a clock and time since it takes time to load that was a pretty impressive idea so props to you there, now with the music i thought that was pretty impressive aswell and seemed to fit with all what was happening the music was actually very pleasent, The art and graphics were very smooth and pleasent aswell, so a well put together game indeed, The intro story was pretty decent aswell, so once again awsome job there, now as i get into the game its fun, i had some issues with the upgrading as it was a tad confusing to figure out, other then that this was an alright game to play.

fun game upgrades was abit confusing maybe a simpleer way could be implemented

very fun game takes some time but is fun.

Fun game.

ok so here is a fun game and very cute, now i was not very fond of the backround graphics as it was hard to view at times but the pink like character kinda helped for that, this game seems very well put together, the idea of it is pretty "BRILLIANT" and its a very sharp running game, the controll of the character plays very well, no real lag issues either so very sharp and solid, you make the game very user friendly. good job on giving the character emotions and face expresions as he goes thru some of the ups and downs of the game like the smoke or water i believe, but anyways great game it was pretty neat and while the graphics was not on the best marks the game play balanced out for the rest so awsome work here, untill next time, keep up the awsome work.

The graphics and backround could have been abit better with detail and such,

Fun game, nice gameplay.

Decent game

hehe ok first off great job on the little intro it was pretty neat, i relly liked it, and presented a more cuteness to the game itself, animation there was pretty good aswell, loading time was notbad at all, so props to you on those parts of the flash movie and game, Now the battle seems to take off right away, and your right there and its cool when you are fighting with the boss and such seemed abit hard at first but with some practice i was able to get it abit better, the art and graphics cameout pretty well, there was some slight lag and took effect on the playability at times, the battle is actually fun and the sound/fx was pretty decent, so overall this was a fun game, i like the medal choices, abit hard at first but overall still a fun battle would like to see more battle introducing the pink knight more, anyways nice job.

The lag was a slight issue maybe theres something there to reduce it somehow.

Fun game great boss battle

Pretty decent

ok so another fun game with this one it was another big file but still worth the weight as it was a pretty fun game, the levels start out easy but get interesting after that, I remember playing the first one abit, and still love that you keep the menu pages designed with detail, so good focus on the detail of the layout and the games within, now the game is fun but gets harder now thats expected, but other then that i thought it was pretty interesting, As some sorta improvment maybe make the screensize somewhat larger maybe that way you can add more detail in the game part of it that way, so with that said and commented on good job all around there was a few issues here and there but it was minimal, other then all that i really liked what you came up with, hope to see more of your work soon.

maybe a larger view screen if even that.

Fun game even better then the last, i enjoyed it.

fortunacus responds:

thanks for the review, the sequel will be in larger screen, also use phisic engine, and develop in html5,coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fun classic in pixle ver

So here we are on another pico day flash in this case another pico day game, and i must say they are notbad, fun and entertaining, so you did pretty good on this, and i must say the pico day preloader this year has been pretty awsome so props to you on the effeorts here, I have played a few of these pico school types i guess it all started with toms original flash cant complain because these are so much fun as is this one, So i get started on the game and the "PIXLE" version is an awsome idea so grats on comming up with this, not my fave of styles but its still fun and still a good pico game, So the "BUTTONS" to move to each room were ok but i found them abit hard to click on so as an idea why not box the text in, so that the whole box will be the button and not just the text this way its easier to click on, other then that this was a pretty fun game an old classic turned into a pixle version.

why not box the text in, so that the whole box will be the button and not just the text this way its easier to click on,

So fun classic game in a pixle version.

Very impressed

Ok first off the game is fun the medals make it even more fun and entertaining, so the downloading time is abit much though, now 9 megabites is not bad but just took me a bit to load maybe have some sorta mini game to play while its loading something that doesnt take up alot of room but just enough size to be in there so one can pass the loading time, just another option for other users and such. Ok so once i get into the game, it was fun even loved the starting page lots of good artwork and nice style on that by the way, even some good music, as the game progresses the artwork grows on you, as for the gameplay its pretty smooth and responds pretty well, and i really love the addition of the medals as that makes this game much more fun and entertaining, so props on all those elements. Also more props on showcasing another member from picos crew, you dont see much of the others besides pico himself so nice job. So the game mechanics of the way he attacks and moves and stuff were differant from the normal but overall it was unique and differant fun though, so all and all i had fun with this game, very entertaining, i really enjoyed it.

I suggested an option for a mini game for the loading time on the larger files, maybe make a harder version as it did seem somewhat easy.

Fun newgrounds related game.

Simplisticly fun

ok first off nice to see you still making great stuff, this game was pretty neat, always was a fan of your work even before newgrounds when you had that animated gif site, but anyways the game was fun, it was moreonthe simple side of things but i do like how you balanced that out with the differant difficulty levels, that was something that made it fun, the simplistic of the game was ok graphics was notbad and it was pretty fun if you ask me, the anoying sound he made when running into a cactus was err you know, so how can this game be improved, well i suppose one idea might be to have differant backrounds as differant levels maybe he runs across the world or something to find cigs and such, so anyways that was about all i saw, other then that you have a simple yet fun game here,

So i suggested an idea of newer and differant backrounds but just an idea.

fun game simple, but still entertaining with the medals and such

Kevin responds:

I had a gif site? Since when? :P

You're the best reviewer, BTW.

Awsome game

Very nice graphics especially at the starting page, now red is awsome and you blended it well with the imaging and awsome detail making it a nice visual menu, loading time was abit hight but it was a fun game, I really liked your graphics detail especially when the story starts and the red moon is in the backround, very welldone detail and visuals, this game was great from the start the controls were ok could be smoother, but the character battle mechanics were very awsome, so playing a few levels the game is fairly easy even the music was pretty good, at first it seemed hard but overall it was easy getting the characters mechanics, this is not just a game but along with the story it really comes out to a full element so awsome job on this from start to finish, i enjoyed every bit of it and thank you for having some medals in it making it even more fun then ever, anyways awsome game.

i didnt find any real issiues besides a longer loading time but was worth the wait.

Fun game great story and fun battle mechanics.

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