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I love this game and the shooting of the arrow is actually a nice mechanic the moving of the chracter around the feild and behind trees or rocks very smooth play though, A fun game indeed From what you've provided us with you have shown some good promise with this one some areas and aspects of the game could be smoother but was still pretty good but anyways you have a decent game here, I like what you have done now lets get to more of that and on the last note here keep up the interesting works of game works, the shooting of the arrow is actually a nice mechanic



Haha this was very fun kind of like a homerun derby with some explosive elements its hard right from the start nice sounds but the fast action was pretty nice here, Well this was another weird game The funny thing is that I was actually just randomly looking for games I guess I liked this because it had such a fun spirit to it, A good baseball game here or wack a ball lol


Unique soundboard

It was unique for sure never heard of this particular streaming though some sould sounds and even some unique ones it's always a plus to have some good sound work on these soundboard types you made a fun soundboard here with some good sounds interesting buttons and an overall nice theme you really have showcased a fun game with some interesting sounds and you added a twist if flavor with the style of sound work do make more soundboards


hhehe good ol homer

haha i love this game, was funny and decent, love the simpsons, great job A decent game of sorts here there was some interesting stuff with this one and I had some fun with it you have left a good Impression here with me hope your other stuff is just as good, cant go wrong with some homer



I think the game could use more harder depth about it more options maybe even some medal options Now what I got from this submission was alot of things but what comes to mind is that it is groovy even a word I like to use swanky basicly means it was fresh and I was delighted to come across it, nice game just needs more



Nifty game here and very strategic style about it This is an interesting game you bring some nice stuff aboard and make it look visually awsome so all that has been a blessing especially for this reviewer, there could be more medals but this was a fun game indeed


Wild and fun

This one had a mario bros feel about it the pixel and or sprite backrounds was pretty nice too So here was an excellent game with some exciting elements bringing the platformer style a live and we'll it has a nifty design fun platformer game you have created a fun environment of the game and allowed the visuals and details of the platformer shine and sparkle a fun platformer game with some interesting style and you made it for us all to enjoy bringing together a nice theme


jupitron responds:

Thank you for playing and for thinking that we make games for all of you as well as for ourselves.

Cool board

Indian? lol a classic Another fun and cool board these types of soundboards are really nifty and unique and I have seen a lot of these types come through the portal but you seem to really push the style and make it unique and it's always nice to see these come through I love what you did here in the sound not perfect but still a fun game indeed and that's what I have enjoyed here on this fun and unique soundboard game


Wow intense

These games right here well this one was very intense I especially love the glowing and vibrant effects of the whole game you really made for a nice game here a great space shooter So my perspective on this whole thing was that this brought excitement this brought entertainment and this also brought some good ol fun, so this reviewer is an instant fan Impressed from start to finish you know exactly what you are doing so keep doing that It was a divine entry, a great space shooter


Fresh and cute

First of all the art work especially on the map screen was beautiful and fresh looking, the sound F/X came off well and the game was cute and fun also like all the medals to shoot for I will start this off by saying it was a fun game type but wasent exactly Lackluster either You have some professional ways about putting this all together and making for a good game here, it was a pretty decent effort and I was pretty impreseed with this so nice job here, love the art in this game


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