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Really fun game

I love all the little games and the build ups on this game was pretty fun, the cute animations was a plus too Nifty game and thats just an understatement Its alot of things but I found this game to be nifty entertaining and a whole bunch of fun built around it, Now ofcourse there are some things that can be worked on but You have distributed something really good here today and it was some solid work, fun mini games on this one


Cool shooter

Haha this one was fun and cute I like the art style and the character work is nice the shooting was actually decent Now here was a nice shooter its not all the time that we get to see these first person shooter types anymore but you really made a fun game with some element of suprise some good visual detail and some nice gameplay on this one, I love me some first person shooter style games and you have really presented a good one, I especially love the detail and depth of it.


Nifty shooter

Love the top view on this shooter music was jamming the gun fire was nice there seeme to be a small delay on the kill though? A nifty game indeed especially since it was like a first person game, you bring some nice twists and turns into this particular one too some awsome style of the game and all the shooting aspects of this game made for some nice gameplay especially in this type of game so with all that I was pretty impressed with your shooting game here and hope you make even more like this one.


A fun shooter

A really good first person shooter here but would be nice with some medals Here was a fun shooter of a game some awsome style of the game and all the shooting aspects of this game made for some nice gameplay especially in this type of game, here was a nice shooter its not all the time that we get to see these first person shooter types anymore, this here was a nice first person shooter game you bring it aout strong and some fun elements of shooting


Haha nice

Well that was nice the medals came easy I think you could make more moderate to harder medal options but the cute art and fun interactivities was nice, You have some good insight on how to make these things and you do well on them and you made a fun and enjoyble experience for all to enjoy, kind of a point and click lol



So its an action shooter for sure the controls are notbad I think adding the same directional controls would be nice on the right side of the keyboard too, So I found this entery to be alot of things but mostly it was interesting it kept me wanting to see what else you had in store but I can see with this kind of stuff you have me hooked and even wanting more, nice action shooter nice graphics


Cool soundboard

Ohmy this one pushes the edge lol A nice soundboard you have created here it's not everyday we see these that much anymore but you really have showcased a fun game with some interesting sounds and you added a twist if flavor with the style of sound work on this and you can't have a good soundboard without good quality and you even added your own style to it so for me this was a nice little soundboard you created and was fun



well not the best, but better then some around here hehe, and its not a clock either which very good, but anyways great game just needs some more detail, so you have a pretty good loaded game here I also realized that I cant wait to see more of your work soon good job


Nice game

So here was another nice game you have a nice visual of effects on this too and make for a really nice gameplay was tricky atfirst but enjoyed it for what it is I love me some unique games like this and you have a nice style with this particular one it has its own twists and a unique style, anyways love the lil robot guy


A solid game

Waco? not sure who this is but the board is nice I found this game to be a pretty solid game adding in some sould sounds and even some unique ones it's always a plus to have some good sound work on these soundboard types and you have created something different besides the soundboard itself and gave it that extra edge and such so for me I was pretty happy with the end results here and that made a fun experience for this reviewer


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