
11,872 Game Reviews

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Notbad on this one Tutorial basics is what I see it as well notbad at all this tutorial has lots to chose from which is what makes it good I hope this will help other new people in making better and improved game, thanks for the effort in helping others A good tutorial that you have created here


haha a decent Dress-Up type here haha fun, these types of games are always fun, and this one was ok could use more just some new ideas to show that dress-ups can be fun and differant nice game though and you cant go wrong with some Princess peach so Fun game indeed nice dress-up here


lol funny Haha that was funny and you showed off some good art and smooth animation it was a bit confusing atfirst but soon understood what was going on, but anyways it was entertaining You have an Entertaining idea here I wouldnt mind even more though much more content too


Crazy pedro ohmy Another fun find in the portal and it was a fun soundboard here it came off well with some interesting sounds and some fun energy surrounding it I like the visual of the whole board and just made it easier to play and enjoy


Interesting so this was different then most soundboards, Metal: A Headbanger's Journey a very unique one indeed hope you keep making these types they are nice I had some fun with this soundboard so nice game, Interesting game soundboard here a nice find


Well notbad on this game and I believe you even made another one of these the levels are nice and have a nice design about them, The levels are fairly easy but they keep you in the game and interested, and thats what I really liked with this little game it was fun and entertaining


Well notbad its a fun little game a good time waster and such its a lot of running away from elements lol, Seems like there could be much more interactivity in this one, but again this was ok and had some fun with this little game of yours


Fun board Another scarface soundboard haha notbad though, Good fun game board a fun soundboard here it came off well with some interesting sounds and some fun energy the board it self was pretty nifty you gave us some fun with this particular soundboard


Well you cant go wrong with a bit of randly lol I did like what you created but anyways it was a pleasure to review this soundboard, seems like it was fun too you have graced us with an awesome soundboard keep up the fun game making


Fun little game here it was something different Here is a fun little game showed some good graphics and neat details as for the controls it was also very good aswell, Responded well Im not too happy with the up and down ship style but it was still fun and had fun playing this, I would suggest some backround effects shooting stars other ships a moon would really Improve on this but other then that it was good


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