
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice sounds

Some may say its the worst but I found it to be unique Some nice sounds come with this particular soundboard and I really like the theme you got going on with this board some things could be better but honestly like this soundboard you have presented and it's stuff like this that has some good energy and a decent idea I like the style of it and the visual is not half bad so good game entry with this particular soundboard


A fun clicker

So the music was nice on this one the fun click element was notbad I do like all the medals you brang in on this So ultimately I was not even looking for anything special today just some random portal entries but thats before I came across yours, love it nice clicker game



Well this game here was notbad I like the vibe and energy here seems like there could have been a bunch more of medals on this, So my Initial response to this is its a decent start its interesting and I like what you got here I didnt find any boring parts So just wanted to throw that out there, nice idea seems like it could use more medals


Cool vibes

A marc one nice I get some cool vibes on this soundboard you seem to have all the right touches here this board some things could be better but honestly like this soundboard you have presented and it's stuff like this that has some good energy cool board these types of soundboards are really nifty and unique and I have seen a lot of these types come through the portal but you seem to really push the style



This one was rather simple but also pretty hard of a game too, max intensity doesnt seem possble but I guess people can get to it, the sounds were pretty loud the visual graphics was notbad but maybe some added polish would be nice, A fun and simple game here and the added effects and little extras that make any game special so nice efforts on this game, would also be a plus, A fun and simple game


Fantastic and fun

I love the graphics on this and love the night and day switch too a very creative game with some really nice effects and gameplay, A unique platformer type So I call this game not just a great platformer game but it was a fantastic and fun game bringing in some excitement with a style all on its own and that's something you don't get with every platformer game that comes through here but it was the little things that jumped out at me and you gave it that extra touch that good platformer games use so awesome game, very creative game with some really nice effects and gameplay


Very nice soundboard

So this was more like a fart machine and thats ok too Soundboards are very unique in my book because for one you don't really see them anymore so when they do come about it's nice to see what they showcase and you made a fun soundboard here with some good sounds interesting buttons and an overall nice theme to the soundboard it's these types of games that really have a good feel to them and good sounds comming out so this was a decent sound game



Well the game is interesting the art is very nice on this What a fun game you have created here for us to enjoy you bring on some fresh ideas and designs and even showcase it well, the whole picanjo element was very fun on this game loved the text bubble too


Very nice

The mechanics of this game are very welldone you have some nice way of making it different from normal style games, the mechanics are very nice even if it is just a simple game i still found it to be pretty fun and thats what i look for in games like this doesnt have to be fancy but you sure do ad some nice style yo the game itself and that alone makes this game unique, love the mechanics


Haha nice

Anothe fun sim game and some nice elements on the game with some fun ideas and features could use even more features more mini games maybe even more medals, Love the passion you bring with lots of creativity on these game styles you have gone beyond the normal


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