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Notbad at all

Well I have to say that the game itself was notbad at all you have some nice graphics on this very cool creations of art style, the gameplay of searching and shooting baddies was a nice touch of this game you really made the game fun and I have enjoyed it, there could be some extra medals on this as the four was just limited anyways you have a decent game here.

there could be some extra medals on this as the four was just limited



A fun pixel game you have created here the idea of search and find items is always nice kind of like a point and click game the medals were few and far in between but still found it to be kind of fun, the game play was nice the controls were not perfect but got the job done a fun game here and no changes are needed, anyways fun game.

I would suggest maybe adding in some flasht effects on some small moments like the gun shooting could be more explosive stuff like that


A strange one

So this was a rather strange one didnt know what to do so my advice is adding more instructions right from the start and also not making the game go into a whole new window would be a nice idea, but other then that this was a decent little game you have created here

my advice is adding more instructions right from the start and also not making the game go into a whole new window would be a nice idea



So this was an interesting game, the art and graphics are fun a very nice visual detail like the ship and such, you have some really nice ideas in this game it was a sorty of tricky and challanging game but thats what made it more fun, maybe adding some medals to this game might be an idea anyways good game

maybe adding some medals to this game might be an idea


Hahaha nice

nice work god i couldnt stop laughing the audio of mr t was great he had such violence haha he wants to murder the cute little animals hahaha, anyways the art was lacking and seemed as if it had more time could have been better, i understand its an older flash but it was still funny, anyways good job on humor

make more great games



So this was actually a fun simple game but does need more content more levels and more backround element, but from what you have here seems un fisnished the graphics you do have is nice but does need much more, anyways hope you have more games planned in the future.

does need more content more levels and more backround element


A fun game

I think the best part about this is that it looks really nice, and even structured. It's immediately clear what this flash is about, But you do get the point across in making this a fun and entertaining game. dont want to Diminish anything with changing anything, but maybe you can Tastefully change some things for the better.

I honestly believe the onlything this game is missing is some medals and it would keep the excitement going strong on this game so think about adding some medals


Fun game could be improved on though

This is actually a pretty fun game, even as old as it is, the screen could be larger though that should be the first thing you change and or improve on, thats if you still make games, but anyways nice quality it shows you have put some work into it, so nice effort there, and great after effects klike the audio voice and all, seems to work out well, just make it larger though as it will show more detail and it doesnt look so small and such, its just an idea but will allow for more creation on your end of things and make an overall game here, it was a pretty nifty game, anyways nice job i had fun with it.

Make the screen larger, this will also allow for more detail and bigger ship and stuff Fun game abit on the small size but still fun i thought.


MakeItSoGames responds:

Thanks brother! Have you played Trapped 5?

Well notbad

This was abit on the disturbing side but you did present some nice art, and your character work was decent, just was not fond of the them, and or the idea, i did really like the "ART" maybe change up the idea somewhat to something for more of the general public, anyways good luck on your next entries

as explained the idea was abit odd and disturbing and somewhat on the characters so there could be a few changes there, thats more appealing to the general public, just an idea though, an interesting yet odd idea, i would try something abit differant next time though



haha the first time i did kill him but it was funny lol. it was kinda short maybe add more level, it does need a tad bit more content and such and would make it a much more fun game you have some really fun ideas just need to be executed better anyways fun game.

it was kinda short maybe add more level


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