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Entertaining classic windows

Haha nice set up there was some good clicklble options on this one, Well this was a Entertaining classic windows I remember playing these back in the day and they are interesting not the most of popular games but you made something fun here even as simpleistic as it may seem still found some entertaining elements within it.

no major changes needed it was a solid sims windows game.


A pac-man with a fun element

So it was a fun classic I found that when trying to turn into the different entry ways it was a tad glocky or hard to always get in there maybe if the walls were more spread out it would be a plus, Very fun game here, A pac-man with a fun element and you even added a twist or two here so nice job here, you have some nice visuals of this game and its a classic one that comes out fun, anyways keep making up games like this it was a fun game regardless.

I found that when trying to turn into the different entry ways it was a tad glocky or hard to always get in there maybe if the walls were more spread out it would be a plus


Pac-Man a fun game

Great visual set up, olything I might ad would be to ad medals on this, also making a larger view screen would be another option to think about, You make Pac-Man a fun game and add a bit to it while its simple and forward this was still fun you really make it interesting and I had some fun here with the game and cant go wrong with some pac-man and glad I had a chance to play this version of it.

ad medals on this, also making a larger view screen would be another option to think about


A unique dress-up game

Well notbad on items but could still use more animated or more items in general, A fun game here A unique dress-up game that has been created here you have some nice ideas on this game and while it is just a dress-up you made it work well with all the elements that this kind of game brings on really nice direction too a fun dress-up game.

Well notbad on items but could still use more animated or more items in general


Fantastic Game

The girls are nice in this I do think more items are needed especially animated and sparkly ones, They bring a creative style about them and they bring some "FUN-MOMENTS" so nice game here its always a pleasure to play these, ifact I made one or two of these types back in the day, I love beaing able to "CREATE-YOUR-DESIGN" with the option given so props to you on a nice game here.

I do think more items are needed especially animated and sparkly ones


Really fun dress-up game

Doing nails as a dressup that was notbad, you could do one of just dress up nails not soccer related, You have a Really fun dress-up game here some nice items some decent formations with the creativity of it all you have a great sense of how to make a nice dress-up and this was just one example so props to you for a decent dress-up game make more sometime.

you could do one of just dress up nails not soccer related



So this was nice a decent soundboard really nice visual interface and you really made it work aound was notbad either so no major changes as i found this to be awsome so nice job

None needed at this time



So this was pretty nice could be smoother and more refined but for the mostpart this was a solid and fun game i liked it and would love to see you advance on this game with some added extras maybe even medals anyways nice job


Nive idea

So this was actually a nice idea for a hockey game would love to see you advance on this maybe even adding some achievement medals to make it even more competitive but anyways a fun hockey game you have made here

Some added achievements


Another good one

And here was another good game and indeed a classic maybe not the first classic game on newgrounds but still a pretty fun one so i have no major changes in mind for this one its a fun game regardless anyways keep up the fun game making

No changes on this classic


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