
11,872 Game Reviews

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A nice sonic creater the backrounds are nice and the sprites are very good also love the music so as a game its notbad would have loved more elements of detail in this one but overall its a fun scene creator


Good stuff

Kinda neat, the game took some time before i got to actually playing it, but when finaly loaded i had fun with it, kinda gets better as you go on with it, maybe abit more backround effects and such. and maybe lower the file size some



This was a fun game, and very good levels, i also like the top view, and with all the sound/FX it was notbad at all, lots of great options, i wish you could do much more though its an alpha but looks great so far, keep it up


Nice game

I like the game you have created here the controls really run smooth and create some good gameplay the medals are a nice touch too really fun stuff, anyways I have enjoyed this and hope others do too


These are fun

I was truly surprised at how hard this game turned out to be The weirdest thing was how it had such a simplistic look to it It was a challenge not as tedious as some of your other ones, these point and click types have always been a fan fave for me theres always so much to do, its games like this that is fun because of the finding element making it its own little adventure, but besides all that you made me have fun in this point and click game even with all that it turned out to be a pretty fun and entertaining game so i did enjoy it for what it was.



This was yet another fun and entertaining point and click game, I really found this submission entry to be pretty good Well presented well percieved and well orginised, I do think some added medals would have been a better rout to go, but honestly this was pretty fun and well made, so for me I liked your style of game here and hope you put in even more like this


Nice one

So this was a nice game here and even the fact that its a point and click is nice you gave it that extra touch too, Shows the time and skill you put into this game it will be great for all Anyways keep up the work I like the effort you put in sofar and look forward to seeing more of this game even advancing, The point and click style is nice but do wish there was more medals in this it would make it more fun



So the idea of mini golf in this point and click game was a nice idea but this one kind of short, This game entry is capable of more aswell it does need more but it was pretty entertaining as is too, but anyways a fun experience with this one



This one was rather short but love that you added even more medals then normal and made it work the fact that it's a point and click style is awesome I have been playing these kinds of games for years so keep making these types of games


Fun gameplay

That briefcase ha good old fashioned gameplay and to find stuff and key points always make for a good experience in any point and click game like this one I really like the flavor of it as it adds on some nice energy you pushed some nice ideas


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