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point and click game

A fun point and click game here enjoyed the decent amount of medals some of the puzzles are not too hard but not too easy either A fun point and click game with some nifty things to do and find all the key items and that was a plus and made it fun and entertaining


Wow nice

This here was a hidden gem really nice flow of the gameplay The art was really nice and that music seems to fits just right, the time and skill you put into this game it will be great for all and the slippery floor was extra because it did make it even more challenging, Awsome skill based game here



This was decent work, not my type of flash but still presented itself with a nice idea, the differen varations is neat, my only thing is that the size is way up there and may limit others from seeing the cool gun stuff, anyways nice work, i hope to see more soon


Very nice

This was some very nice work, the game or the robot played out well and was very smooth and when he "BLOWS UP" there was some great aftermath animation which made it very good to see aswell, i loved the "COLORS" as they were very cartoon like, but thats what made it neat, anyways great job, i hope to see more soon



This was notbad of a game, i had fun with it, somewhat addictive but more fun then anything else, but i would suggest bringing down the size 5megs is alot, almost killed my machine, i use 56k and im sure alot of other users do aswell and something to think about when making really big flashworks and the filesize is that big think about the user abit as they might not beable to download as some people may be impatient, compress it abit or cut it down somehow but remember that alot of us us 56k, but anyways fun game i liked it, keep it up



This was a fun game, the controlswas very good with great response no lag at all, and the thing with the curser and the keyboard as controls was such a nice effect and option, the character could have a better design but overall a fun game



So I love these point and click games you have that phone though it was there lol and the art was not bad the game on lay was fun but have to say you did make a fun and nice point and click game here I hope to play more


Nice work

So you have some nice work on this one the hotdog didnt make much sense but was still good this is good stuff and key points always make for a good experience in any point and click game like this one love the style of it


Cool madness

I like the whole idea of a madness scene maker this was actually pretty cool withthe stuff you have but still think you could ad on even more and more depth to some of the items you have done an amazing job on this one, And I for one look forward to even more scene creators like this one here


DoctorGordonLMK responds:

thanks for the review but i'm afraid you won't be seeing any new scene creator from me anytime soon duh...

Nice style

A good one here the red numbers part of the harder finds in this Now this was some nice style and seems like you put in the time for this point and click game bringing on some good old fashioned gameplay and to find stuff


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