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So this was notbad I think I made one of these but had a theme for it, the images are funny and notbad you have some ideas wish you had added more though there was not alot, make the buttons more fresh looking anyways great little image viewer here.

buttons could be sleeker


A great game here

The music is nice, maybe adding some changing backrounds would be nice, this particular version of pong was pretty good so nice game here and pong is always one of those interesting classic games filled with some fun activities of entertainment I really like me a good pong game as you have done so here with this one, but anyways a great classic game here.

maybe adding some changing backrounds would be nice



Well notbad for an older game gotta admit it was fun but does need more options like maybe different ways to kill maybe an axe or a slice of ham I know lots of people who love them some ham and throwing it at the face might make it funny lol, anyways fun lil game here.

A few ideas suggested.


Tutorial time

I love how you made this with the slight backround sounds even the dark feel of it gives off a fresh new look and keeps it interesting, Its Time for a tutorial with some good ideas and thats exactly what you have created so for me tutorial time is always fun because you get to learn how something works or how something can work better so thank you for this fun and informitive tutorial here.

Make a series of tuts with this same color theme


Could use more options

So its kind of a cute and fun game but for sure needs more options some play options run etc, and the backrounds could be spruced up, I like the style of it and the virtual pet idea is a good one just needs abit more to it anyways nice work indeed.

for sure needs more options some play options run etc, and the backrounds could be spruced up


A fun Tutorial

These drawing types are always nice this one was a great example of that and there for no changes needed, most of all you get to learn some nice things here so this was nice, and it was actually pretty informitive this here was a fun tutorial here it was interesting as a tutorial and brings some good ideas to build off of so props to you for a nice tutorial and hope to see more.

These drawing types are always nice this one was a great example of that and there for no changes needed


An interesting game

So this was a bit tricky and interesting and it does look like you have put some good efforts into it, the backrounds could have some more added detail maybe some added color even, anyways great stuff and great music for this fun yet interesting game.

the backrounds could have some more added detail maybe some added color even


This Tut was great

Great music that went with this one Some nice usefull tips and how to push them forward in flash as you have here, you ahve some good ideas and you put them in here while some are basic and some are more advanced its all about teaching the younger people wanting to learn and thats basicly how these helped out.

Not sure because these tuts are somewhat outdated


A nice gadget game

So this was actually notbad was pretty nifty if you ask me, I do think It could be improved with some sort of points or level system and the text from the cookie could be more bold with a dominant color, but besides that this was a cool game you have here.

I do think It could be improved with some sort of points or level system and the text from the cookie could be more bold with a dominant color


a unique game

A unique game indeed only issue for me is that this could have better sound quality of the clips and or sounds, So this game was unique here you have some cool ideas and you have implemented them well in this game, it promotes some good creativity about it so nice job on this game here, some added stuff wouldnt hurt but overall this was pretty good here so make more soon.

only issue for me is that this could have better sound quality of the clips and or sounds


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