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Well i do like dress-ups and this one was impressive, i must say the file size was abit much, i did have fun with the game though, keep up the good work The Filesize was massive almost killed my machine, i use 56k and im sure alot of other users do aswell and something to think about when making really big flashworks and the filesize is that big think about the user abit as they might not beable to download as some people may be impatient, compress it abit or cut it down somehow but remember that alot of us us 56k. A fun dress-up, but george bush may ward off some haha, no really a fun game, hope to see more, maybe not so high on file size though


Fun game

Fun game indeed, and nice sound.fx giving it that underwater feel, the game starts aout abit confusing, onlycause i didnt know what to do, but soon figured it out, but i had fun with the game, very entertaining Not much as its very good, maybe harder levels for different levels of play A fun fish game of the popular movie, very entertaining, nice game.



Ha, i saw one of these recently, this one was more undertsnading but not too good on the graphics, it was still fun though, kinda neat, not much more then that though Well i would suggest the text to be abit larger its sorta hard to read at times, and add some more color like on the borders and such, might make for a fresher and sleek look A fun translater game.



Now i have seen this submitted a few tomany times, that script from flashkit, its fun but not original since its submitted alot here on newgrounds Well submit something more orignal, now if you changed up the code maybe you could get abit more credit, but its still the same ol same ol a fun game but its the same as the other hundred on here.


These are cool

So this tic tac toe likeness is good but I really love how you add on some color depth and just make it fun and entertaining so nice game you have created even if from a classic



So i like platformers and this one here is nice but what I like most of all is that you added a bit of story into this its a fun platformer the gameplay could be improved some added effects would be a plus too


VictorGrunn responds:

Hey thanks. Glad to hear someone's had fun with this one. :)


I like the skater element of this game and you had some nice tricks in there graphics are pretty decent too the interactivity in this one this particular one is pretty good, overall a fun skater type of game here



The graphics alone on this was pretty good some intense effects and ofcourse this platformer has some amazing gameplay mechanics on it, anyways good game indeed I had some fun with this platformer style



This was funny, i like how you put images as buttons, that is something new i have not seen on other soundboards, the sounds were clear and funny as always, nice work on the soundboard, Well this one was notbad at all, I like the squares as buttons wish you had even more sonds maybe making this board a lot larger or something that way you can ad more buttons and sounds, but thats just a suggested idea to try and or think about, but nice work regrdless


I like it

So there was some nice things about the game first of all the mechanics are very nice the upgrades are unique, the game itself does get hard really fast so you have to adjust for that, some nice addition of details and good visual made for a fun game, anyways nice brawler type of a game here


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