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Great game

So this was nice I like the pixel element here it was like playing an old atari game back in my day lol but the game itself was fun and fast paced really a good shooter game here, as for changes I dont think you need any this was a solid game here very fun

adding some medals to this might be nice.


A Cool Tutorial

Stick tutorial actually this was a nice tutorial on stick creation so nice job on that no major changes needed here, Nifty ideas here and while its a teaching method it teaches the future in these types of tutorial Games, even if flash itself is not too much in use these are still good "TUTORIALS" But anyways I had fun with this game and enjoyed reviewing it hope to see more one day.

this was a nice tutorial on stick creation so nice job on that no major changes needed here


A decent quiz here

A good quiz game here maybe adding a larger view screen here, Moderate to even hard tests and such but I like them and while im not the best at these, I still think they are pretty entertaining and fun, but regardless some added "POLISH-WONT-HURT" to improve on these, for the mostpart these are alright in my book.

A good quiz game here maybe adding a larger view screen here


An Interesting TUT

So this was a nice flash script tutorials, The backround flashing was a bit much but it was a good tutorial, A nice way of showcasing how something works and thats exactly what you have done here so really nice work indeed, So on this entry you "SHOW-OFF-SOME-NICE-IDEAS" on how it all comes together and "THESE-ARE-PRETTY-COOL" because you can learn something new.

The backround flashing was a bit much but it was a good tutorial


A fun twist on a classic

Nice game the interface could look smoother though, A fun tic-tac-toe game here and even with a nice twist here this was some nice element on this the classic game here with a fun twist here and thats what I like about this game here you have a game you have some nice ideas with this little game here.

Nice game the interface could look smoother though


A fun Pong game

I like the arcade style system here the screen size could be larger I have to say that this was kind of an interesting game even though it is just pong, but you added a little something to this pong game, "ITS-A-CLASSIC-OF-A-GAME" and glad to see some of these here on newgrounds so nice game of pong here hope to see more.

the screen size could be larger


Decent game

So this was kind of like starcraft hense the name and the visual details and the visuals were really nice along with some good sound /fx the screen size could be much larger with this one as it was somewhat small the sprites on this were pretty nifty

the screen size could be much larger with this one as it was somewhat small


Nice game or movie

So this was really nice and with all the different scenes it was like a movie more then a game but it was still pretty good all the different animations are pretty good though you have some realy good art style here and the flow of animations were pretty good I thaught so really nice work here on this one, I love all the medals.

No major changes here it was pretty fantastic.


SuperLME responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I'm trying to come out with more content soon!


Flappy Bird mode

Haha so this was cute and the fact it was simular to flappy bird was kind of cool the mechanics was nice it was hard dont think I made it close to fifteen cati but other then that this was a fun game with some good fresh graphics so nice job on this one.

Simple and hard at the same time. maybe add more medals with some more easy to moderate achieving levsl.


Really nice game

Well I had fun with this game here you have some very fresh art on this game, the style was fun all the medals was nice I would love some more unique medal types to really make the game more exciting and such, overall this was a fun game here, and look forward to more of this type of game so really nice work here.

would love some more unique medal types to really make the game more exciting and such


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