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This looks pretty good and some nice vibe of energy here and the art style is nice and you have some good talents with the art overall this was pretty good


OK that was funny, i never did get a chance to play this and see what all the hype was about, haha, now i see what haha, it was funny, must have been hard to get all the characters in place, but anyways it was fun, i would normaly say add some color but in this case the white backround is perfect haha


Good game, simple and fun, and great sound/FX with the gators, not much more to this game other then wacking, the jpegs were ok but maybe it could be improved with more of your artstile of gaters for a funny outcome, so notbad i had fun with it


This was cool, it was original Because I never seen it done like this before the revers was very cool, and strange when heard hehe, I did think the layout was bland and not much color, would have been 10x better with some added color and some detail and a better sleek look to the layout design and buttons


Now this being a platformer game it was actually notbad I like the energy of this one, The music was solid and you bring on some interesting music elements, There is a good challange about this game and you make it fun not too easy but does get a tad hard overall a fun game here


This was actually something fun here I like how there could be some different end results and such, Goblins are a little bugger lol, another day on the grounds it was a pleasure to find this one it was actually pretty good, so hope to see more of your game types in the future


Well this was a nice find here for this one an action platformer game with some stylish visuals, I think the voice acting could be polished and maybe some smoothing out on the art style, Overall this was a fun game here just needs a bit more to it


Great game indeed, frontpage nice job, this probably should have won something though, it was that good, the filesize was not that big nor that small so it was just right, and its a fan fave so notbad at all, make more like it soon


his was odd, I was not even sure what I was doing, there was a leo which was funny, as was the other bubble texts, sort of funny, the artwork could be improved with more colors and some shading effects, anyways hope the next one is much better


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