
11,872 Game Reviews

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A fun one

I really got a kick out of this one This one here has a good Pulse and has a spectacular aswell as positive touch to this nice job all around Hey a ver 2 cool, i like the new addons, it was abit tough but still fun, and the music was awsome, how is that other flash doing


Decent game

Wow I have to say despite its simplicity this game is extremely addicting to play and very fun Heh i seen this one a few times heh, nice changes to this version though, kinda small ship, but it was still fun to play, I do like your style of games and you bring on some nifty ideas.



Well it was notbad of a little game had some nice music almost feel like there should be even more quastions though, Not only have you used lots of effort but you have made this kind of game fun and for sure entertaining so a fun game to start off with for sure



There was no negitive but eliminating a few weaker points would be nice but again may not be needed as you had some nice results here Hey that was fun, a very fast paced game, i like played it like 10x, i did bad everytime, maybe add some better instructions though, and slow it down for us slow users, anyways fun game, keep it up.


Awsome game

Summergirl ok You have showcased us something fantastic here today with this dress-up Game style all on its own keeping the creative elements together and flowing well and those are the art submissions i love seeing you even bring on some nifty details within this particular game you make it look easy and i love your passion on this dress-up Game anyways nice work, Because you have gone all out on this design of the dress-up making it fun unique and different so its a good start here, But anyways do make more of these types in the near future.


Creative Game

A taco lol This particular game is pretty creative and unique in its own way you really have made the game to come a live and you can really see the vibe in the stylish elements and the unique visuals that this dress-up brings just showcases very well i was pretty impressed with this whole game so nice entry here, And I do hope you make more of these creative types this was a fave for me.



So starting here with a fresh day of reviewing I was glad to have stumbled onto this game It not only was different But It was kind of unique in its own way ofcourse so nice way to start things off Good idea, kind interesting, lots of options and so-on, great scripting, lots of effort seemed to go into this typ of thing so have to give you credit there.



There are a few things needing some Ironing out and I will say that it may not be needed as you have some solidd work here Heh ok, kinda odd, but ichose to eat the pudding, this film was short, maybe add alot more options, and more graphics like some detail in the backround


Groovy game

groovy and even swanky So before I do get into more detail in this review I wanted to get a few things out such as that you have thrown in the element of suprise Hey that was a fun game, it has style, and i like how it gets harder and with different draw targets, good character designs that really set the mood, nice flash game, keep it up.


I like

Ok another fun and interesting sound board, not to keen on the next button to get to more buttons as to all the buttons beeing on one page, but it works, funny animations in the backround was kinda neat, and the sound quality of this one was abit better then others, so nice job, keep on sound boarding


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